Cyre 1313
Welcome to the Mistwalkers (1)
- Fin, Derryn, Persephone, Adzari were interviewed by members of Mazeelder and inducted as the first of the Mistwalkers. Heroes who would bravely stride into the mists of Ravenloft and destroy the evil realms within
- They were interviewed by
- Ireena Kolyana the warrior, Mordenkainen the mage, Miruna Mocanu the traveler and tinkerer, Kuda Zoniri the healer
- They spent some downtime in Rosebrine wrestling, gambling, and performing religious duties
- Eventually they were called back to the base where they met for the first time and got to know each other through a round of two truths and a lie
- The next morning they were briefed for their first mission
- They received their mist talismans that would bring them to and from the target domain and told to find one of their own, Valdak, a dragonborn scout who'd gone missing
- Just before leaving, Persephone decided to show off her deductive skills by outing Miruna's Lycanthropy
- They then wandered into the mists for the first time, which led them onto the Cyre 1313. A train stuck in the mists and occupied by the dead
- The heroes spoke with some passengers, all of whom seemed totally oblivious that anything was wrong. They were grateful that they had barely made it out of Cyre before The Mourning overtook them. Though it was a close call since the Last Passenger took so long to get aboard
- They then went forward in the train to the sleeper car where they discussed theories of what was going on and interviewed another (more salty) passenger
- While interviewing passengers, a strange watery creature slythered over Derryn's foot and disappeared before anyone could get a good look at it.
- Next they went to the dining car where the kind-hearted Carbunkle served them drinks while they tried to get Valdak to talk to them. Valdak was clearly under surveillance though, and rather than talking to the heroes, decided to make a mess of things and call out to someone named Dukard.
- A Warforged guard said something into one of the wall radios and the whole train slowed down. Suddenly everyone aboard died a horrible agonizing death, including the heroes
- But they then awoke in that same coach sleeping car, whole and okay (other than the damage Derryn had taken in the mists)
- They returned to the dining cart to find nothing had changed
- In order to talk to Valdak safely, they set about disabling the radios and taking out the guards. They nearly failed but some quick thinking by Persephone at the last second pacified a fleeing guard
- They raided the kitchen for more information and then decided to go back to luggage (with a charmed Carbunkle in tow
- Day 2 (but actually 1 on the Cyre 1313)
The Cyre Loop (2)
- They decided to go to the luggage section of the train to look for passes
- While adzari found a pass, the rest of the party was assaulted by mimics
- They retreated into the caboose before being overrun
- In the caboose they found a body
- Further... invasive... investigation revealed that the man had drowned and that he was a member of the crew, presumably the missing conductor
- The party decided they needed to reset the loop, so Persephone offed herself, adzari got valdak to stab her, and fin and derryn went out in a blaze of glory against the mimics
- Persephone, having taken the first class ticket, woke up in first class away from the rest of the party
- She attempted to pickpocket a ticket from another passenger but failed, her flirtations went just as well.
- She then decided to risk it and run on top of the train back to the coach section, which she did successfully while still taking some damage. She eventually met up with the rest of the party in the caboose
- meanwhile the rest of the party went straight to the caboose in order to rescue the conductor. They talked to him a bit before the slithering watery creature showed up and attempted to kill him
- only Derryn's divine smite (and a confused unicorn) could save the conductor, who revealed that he knew they were dead, helped the players find a VIP ticket, and expressed a desire to kill Dukard
- 20 minutes into the Third loop in Cyre 1313
Disappointing Dukard (3)
- Fresh off of rescuing Wilben Orien, the conductor, the party accepted his offer to find another First class ticket in the next section of the train
- Just before heading out they heard Dukard's voice over the intercom ask if the job was done
- Fin responded and failed to deceive the Dark Lord, who then sent the mysterious Guillerma to make sure the job was done.
- The party didn't want to find out who Guillerma was, so decided to book it and hide in the sleeper car
- Fin, Valdak, and Derryn all made it but Persephone and Adzari fell behind. But by making out they were able to slip past Guillerma.
- Once in the kitchen the party split up, Fin and Derryn and Valdak stayed behind while the rest of the party went forward to find a ticket which they eventually did.
- They also saw the train stop in a strange land and a man with an unusual sigil load a large box into the front of the train.
- Meanwhile, mid-snack-assembly, Fin Derryn and Valdak were accosted by Guillerma who almost took them down in a hail of bullets. Fortunately the rest of the party appeared and scared the creature off. Unfortunately, the creature reported to Dukard and the whole loop was reset once again.
- On the next loop the party, now in the First Class section, immediately sprinted off to catch the water creature once again.
- Though Persephone noticed a new passenger and told Adzari to look into it.
- Adzari spoke to the man who introduced himself as Viggo, just a traveller in the domains who had gotten on at the last stop
- The rest of the party caught up with and killed the watery creature, but were immediately confronted by Dukard and his retinue.
- While declaring them enemies of the train and assigning them permanent guards until they left, the party decided to use Derryn's confusing wild magic to take a stab at the Dark Lord
- Persephone stole his amulet and ordered a warforged to attack Dukard, which it did. Unfortunately that only reset the loop once again.
- This time Adzari, wanting to preserve her anonymity, stayed in the sleeper car while the rest of the party once again went to kill the water creature. They then barricaded the kitchen and waited
- Dukard appeared once again and while Derryn and Fin attempted to parley with him, Persephone snuck out and joined Adzari
- The two broke into Dukard's personal chambers and started investigating and ruining his experiments, throwing them out into the mists. They also found a major prize, Dukard's VIP ticket
- Meanwhile, Fin and Derryn learned that Dukard is researching ways of escaping the mists and was inspired by the fact that "Azalin did it". The tried to convince him to stop resetting the loop and killing the conductor, but any merciful instinct Dukard had was quickly crushed by menacing whispers from Guillerma
- Fourth cycle, about 30 minutes in
Cyre 1313's Last Stop (4)
- Fin and Derryn rushed to the back of the train to find the conductor and help him fulfill his destiny
- Meanwhile, while making havoc in Dukard's cars, Persephone used her magic to convince the guards that the Dukard roaming the halls was an imposter.
- The heroes then used the ensuing chaos to empower Wilben to slay Dukard... eventually (he missed the Javalin throw several times)
- With Dukard's actual death, the train disappeared and those aboard were finally able to rest
- Guillerma's demise was significantly more violent and unsettling, and left behind a bag of holding that Adzari sewed into her coat pocket
- The heroes returned to the Mazeelder base to discover that two full weeks had passed
- They told Mordenkainen and Ireena their tale, got some rewards and then set about exploring Rosebrine while Valdak scouted out the next domain of dread
- They visited the Pastoral Pastel and found some unusual magic items
- And They got their fortunes read by Kazarina the all-seeing (who revealed herself to be Vistani)
- Adzari went to her church only to find a new priest preaching an unwelcome hellfire and brimstone message. Fortunately she managed to dissuade his potential followers
- Persephone made a spell scroll which was almost stolen by a mysterious thief in the base
- Fin went around trying to put thing in his new oven, only to draw the ire and mockery of one Abraham Oakblood, one of the wealthiest gnomes in town
- Finally, Derryn let off some steam in the fighting pits and won a fair bit of money and a new rival
- After a week, the party reunited for their next mission, and Valdak informed them they were in for zombies. Lots and lots of zombies.
- About three weeks into employment by Mazeelder
The First Fort of Falkovnia (5)
- After a briefing with Valdak and Mordenkainen (who offered more material support this time around) the party set off into the land of Falknovia ready to face the horrors of a new domain of dread
- Eventually they exited the mists onto a dirt road in a creepy forest
- It wasn't long before they found a pile of bodies that were indeed eerily full of clones
- The party burned the bodies and did final rights, only to later on find even more bodies
- Three of which were impaled on a stake, signs hanging around their necks that read traitor, thief, and deserter
- After leaving that grisly scene the party came upon a group of soldiers
- Most of them looked malnourished and low on morale, but their leader William seemed the opposite
- William implored the party to help him reclaim a nearby fortress from the undead in exchange for safe passage to Falkovnia's capital Lekar
- The party hesitantly agreed (primarly so that they could protect the recruits), and on the way William explained some of the oddities of his world
- He seemed insistent that only humans were allowed in Falkovnia, and all others were zombies
- He explained the three repeated zombies, known as scorchers, breathers, and morphers
- He also explained that a fresh zombie horde appears from the mists every 30 days like clockwork
- Upon approach Fort Watten, the party opted to go in first (not trusting the recruits to not get killed)
- First, Derryn and Adzari leapt onto the wall to take out one of the patrolling scorchers, only immediately to find a horde of zombies inside the wall
- Soonafter the rest of the party and the recruits charged through the front gate and a vicious melee ensued
- Derryn channeled his wild magic twice
- Fin broke his favorite giant murder hook
- Adzari landed a hit on a bad guy (allegedly)
- And Peresphone got bit by a dinosaur
- Collectively the group only lost three recruits, which was a much higher success rate than William expected
- After the battle, the group agreed to stay the night while Fin repaired his hook. A recruit named Rufus offered to escort them back to Lekar in the morning
- The party investigated the fort and found another dead William and a map of the realm
- Day two in Falkovnia and 14 days until the siege
Lost in the Library (6)
- They set out from Fort Watten to Falkovnia's capital city of Lekar
- A soldier named Rufus volunteered to show them the way, and while he was at first suspicious and standoffish, the players eventually got him to open up about his past and his world through a mixture of knowledge, persuasion, zone-of-truthing, and a game of truth or dare
- They learned he wasn't originally from Falkovnia, but that he woke up here after a drunken bender. He had a family he hadn't seen in many years, and he didn't have much hope for his own survival
- He also told them that heroes like them had appeared before, but usually only stick around for a cycle or two before leaving.
- He reluctantly told them about the rebels, and that all he knew about them was a rumor that they were in the western city of Morfenzi
- In exchange they told Rufus about the domains of dread and that they were going to shut the place down and get him out.
- On the way they passed the Willow's Watch, a watchtower with a beacon on top and wide view of the surrounding countryside (and a guardsman of questionable sanity)
- Upon arriving in Lekar a William greeted them and inspected them for humanity
- Some quick thinking by Persephone disguised Adzari's pointed ears in the knick of time
- Lekar definitely looked like a city under siege. Any aesthetic consideration was swept away so that the city could perpetually be ready for war.
- While touring the city the party noted that there were sewer grates and they could always see at least one other William
- They also learned that in the last siege the northen district had a rough time
- They also learned that William always had a cyanide capsule and as such had never fallen into zombification.
- William led them to the library where he told them one of his chief advisors, Voletta Botsk, had been stuck for almost a week
- The party entered and was immediately split into four different realities
- They eventually figured out how to communicate with each other and to say the word "NOZU", which brought them back to their world. Only to be immediately attacked by a still fractured Voletta
- The party calmed her down however, and they all left the library intact. No sign of the mysterious book that started the whole situation remained
- They then headed to William's armory for their reward.
- End of Day 2 in Falkovnia, 14 days till the horde
Mischievous Magic Items (7)
- William led them to the inner walls of the city where things didn't look quite so dire and there were myriad clockwork creature doing various chores
- They followed to his personal armory to pick out new equipment
- Fin took a boomerang shield, Persphone took a ring of the ram, Adzari took a tentacle rod, and Derryn took a ring of obscuring (though he was heavily tempted by the scorpion armor)
- The group then went to the war room to prepare for their next mission. William suggested they either stay and train troops, find the missing adventurers in Stangengrad, or escort a food delivery back from Morfenzi.
- Wanting to follow up on rumors of rebels, the party opted to go to Morfenzi.
- Before heading out the next day, Persephone excitedly chatted to Voletta about planar travel, Adzari investigated the nature of religion in Lekar, Fin practiced with his new boomerang shield, and Derryn attempted to trick some poor fools into following his religion
- The next day the party headed east out of the city and discussed various theories on their current situation, including Adzari's realization that the party was connected to various entities here.
- A few hours out of Lekar they ran into some other travellers, three figures in white robes pulling a cart, once again bearing the mysterious symbol of a skeletonized auroboros around a skull
- Persephone impulsively cast gust to remove their hoods and received a devastating bolt of lightning in return.
- A fight broke out, and though the priest proved incredibly damaging to the party, they eventually triumphed.
- Derryn, intending to interview the priest, attempted to revive him only to find that he was coming back to life of his own accord. The party ended up burning all of the corpses to prevent this.
- In the cart they found a box with 20 small silver cages, which Adzari recognized as an ingredient for the spell "soul cage". She then threw them into the bag of holding to sell later
- The group then decided to rest up, but during the rest they made a discovery that the items gifted from William seemed to activate some hidden functionality during the battle
- Some sleuthing, deconstructing, and magical investigating revealed tiny syringes in each of the magic items, and that Fin and Persephone now had some mysterious transmutation blood in their veins.
- In a panic, Persephone cut off her own ring finger
- The party decided to continue with their mission and not say anything to William, assuming they can prevent Persephone from punching him in the face
- End of Day 3 in Falkovnia, 13 days until the apocalypse
The Mystery of Morfenzi (8)
- After ditching the cart they'd taken from the mysterious robed figures, the party made their way to Morfenzi. It was late afternoon and Persephone told everyone stories of the many times she was poisoned
- Upon their arrival the party noticed that William and all of his workers weren't in Morefenzi itself but rather on the other side of a nearby river. The town proper looked abandoned and decayed
- William greeted the party and asked about a delivery to Lekar, Adzari lied about their involvement.
- William accepted this, and told the party that they would help escort the food delivery the next day. He also asked them to track down some deserters who'd slipped away the previous night. He wanted them returned alive but gave the party permission to kill them should they resist
- The party rested in a tent and set into the eerie city late at night
- As they made their way through the city they found all manner of spectral creatures
- A Will-o-wisps attempted to lure Persephone to some unknown doom
- An invisible entity tried to communicate by cutting adzari's wrists.
- The party convinced it to use a makeshift Ouija board instead and the creature's only message was "betrayed, W"
- The party worked their way closer into town, observing that some kind of battle with the zombie horde occured here a long time ago, and that the defenders were more diverse than Falkovnia would generally allow
- Adzari investigated some carts and found notes in druidic that suggested these folks were some kind of nomadic group from another plane
- Derryn then chose to investigate the armory and found four eerie shadows burnt into the walls, all of which soon attacked the party
- Later in the evening they found another building occupied by the deserters, all of whom were behaving unusually
- It became pretty clear that they were posessed, but the spirits noted that our heroes were much stronger and so attempt to posesse them to mixed results.
- The party convinced the ghosts that they were on the same side, and so the ghosts directed the party to talk to their leader Vjorn who was in the old iron mine
- The party entered the mine and after a cavalcade of zombie dissection's and other horrors, eventually met with Vjorn a ghostly and yet corporeal Minotaur who immediately detected the Sanguinthropy infecting the party.
- About 2 am day 4 in Falkovnia, 12 days till the apocalyse.
The Sanguinthropy (9)
- They spent a lot of time talking to the revenant Vjorn about Falkovnia and their current problems
- They learned that he was part of a nomadic druid group called The Wandering Grove who was told to hold out in Morfenzi and then utterly wiped out by the zombies
- They also learned the sanguinthropy doesn't have a known cure, but can be managed by doses of zombie ichor, a strange substance that one can harvest from a peculiar gland in a recently deceased breather morpher or scorcher
- Vjorn also told them about the mysterious fourth kind of zombie that has been seen flying over Vigila Forest, and that if the heroes could bring it to him he could make even more doses of ichor for them. All he knew about the creature is that it could fly and seemed to be of a 'fiendish type' with cloven hooves and horns
- Finally he revealed his plan to get rid of William. Vjorn would magically assist the zombies and make sure they completely wiped out every thing in Falkovnia, thereby killing William and ending his curse.
- Vjorn also hinted that, for all his human-forward proselytizing, there was no way a human could control such a powerful hive-mind
- The heroes didn't particularly like this solution, and convinced him to hold off, at least for this cycle.
- They then returned to the camp and reported to William who accepted that the deserters had been posessed
- The way back to Lekar was quite, and the party decided to quickly stock up and head out. Not wanting to be in the city when two of them had a strange desease
- They told William they were going to look for the missing heroes, but instead set out to the middle of the forest to find the mysterious flying undead.
- And that morning, Fin came down with a symptom...
- About 8am day 6 in Falkovnia, 10 days until the apocalypse
Forest of Corpses (10)
- They headed into Vigilia forest to find the mysterious fourth zombie who might be a crucial piece of the puzzle of Falkovnia
- Early in the day Fin found some cloven hoof tracks that seemed promising and Adzari scouted ahead, finding an unsettling plant monster that the party decided to revisit later
- Eventually they found an old burned down house that had signs of some recent activity
- Persephone started investigating and found a trapdoor in the kitchen (while also noting a nearby zombie horde)
- In the room beneath the party found walls lined with dozens of maps with notes in infernal that seemed to track the population and troop movement in Falkovnia. They even found themselves referenced on a recent map.
- It was in this room that they discovered that Fin could read infernal, and their bag of holding was down to 19 silver cages from the initial 20
- They pressed on further and found another room with a pentagram in the middle. Some experimentation revealed that it was designed for sending things somehere else, but the heroes weren't sure where
- Their investigation was interrupted by a horde of zombies that decided to park above them and wouldn't go away
- Eventually the party decided to fight their way out by filtering the hord into a narrow area so that they wouldn't be overwhelmed. They also fought the snake form of the morpher for the first time
- They then decided to investigate the plant creature and all but Adzari were immediately ambushed by a poisonous cloud several vine lashes
- In the ensuing fight the creature dumped more zombies on them
- Derryn was knocked unconscious and aged backwards 5 years
- Eventually the party succeeded and was able to harvest two doses of a potent zombie attracting chemical
- Exhausted, they decided to find a safer place to make camp... though they got lost along the way. Regardless, they settled in for the night and Persephone woke up feeling a little less like herself
- About 8am day 7 in Falkovnia, 9 days until the apocalypse
Versus Valner (11)
- They woke up lost in Vigilia forest and spent a couple hours trying to find their way
- Eventually they realized where they were, only to get lost again.
- This time they decided to simply head east until they got out.
- On their way however, they realized they were being watched
- They surmized that the creature they were hunting was suddenly hunting them, and found themselves faced to face with Valner. The demonic looking undead
- Unlike the rest of the undead in Falkovnia, this creature was able to talk to the party
- They learned that Valner considered herself a warden of sorts and that she served her own mysterious master, who's name hurt to even think about
- When the conversation started to get tense, Adzari captured Valner in a 15 minute time bubble (much to the surprise of her compatriots)
- Eventually Valner offered to help the party leave Falkovnia entirely so that she could continue with her work
- The party negotiated further with Valner and were able to get some of her blood and agree to meet her again the next day to be escorted out of Falkovnia
- They brought the blood back to Vjorn who managed to cure Persephone
- The next day the party went back to Valner's lair
- Once again negotiations broke down and as Valner attempted to leave, Persephone started yet another fight.
- Valner summoned some powerful minions to aid her, and they did a number on poor Derryn
- Valner herself only got to lightly singe Adzari before being completely exploded by Persephone's ring of the ram
- After the fight the party managed to gather enough Valner blood to cure Fin as well
- They also took Valner's bag of holding which matched the one the party found in Cyre 1313
- Once Fin was cured they set out from Morfenzi back to Lekar to try and learn more about William
- Day 9 in Falkovnia, 6 days to the apocalypse
Truth and Reconciliation (12)
- They made their way back to Lekar and plotted William's final downfall.
- Adzari theorized that since all of the Williams seemed aware of each other, perhaps they could all be influenced by the same suggestion spell and told to go get eaten by zombies
- Persephone mentioned that maybe they could get the other humans on their side as well
- Eventually they arrived in town to find William about to execute the farmers who'd been posessed in Morfenzi
- The party intervened and a vicious zone of truth induced battle ensued
- Realizing that he was losing the crowd, William brought the party into the castle ward for a frank discussion
- There the party learned about William's true history, before he came to Falkovnia
- In Turn the party told William about Valner and how they got rid of the sanguinthropy
- Persephone, sensing William's hesitance in defending his behavior, revealed that they were in a domain of dread and all that entailed.
- The party convinced William that the honorable thing would be to die in a blaze of glory, truly protecting the humans that he cared so much for
- The party promised to tell his story, and William agreed
- That evening, Adzari went to the library, Persephone told Rufus the good news, and Fin and Derryn went to train folks for the upcoming battle
- They woke up the next morning to a red sun, a sign that the siege was coming sooner than they expected
- Desperately hoping to make a difference in this battle they made a fire trap with the corpse flower pollen, helped fix William's armor, made one of Williams' constructs into a distraction, and distributed William's armory to the commonfolk.
- Day 10 in Falkovnia 5 days (in theory) till the apocalypse
Falkovnian Finale (13)
- They quickly hopped into action to defend the city of Lekar from the teeming undead horde
- The Williams across the city all gave a simultaneous and inspiring (and not creepy) speech
- The heroes held out on the wall for a good long time with the help of some magic-itemed defenders and a big fuck off fireball combined with corpse flower pollen
- Adazri got a lot of kills (that her compatriots didn't see)
- Fin accidentally inspired defenders to throw their non-magical shields at the enemy
- Derryn ran all around the city on his new mystical steed (who still needs a name btw)
- Persephone led a group of archers at the wall
- Despite using a lure made from corpse flower pollen and a William construct, the zombies started to overwhelm Lekar
- At one such spot, two piles of zombies formed ramps straight onto the wall. Fortunately Persephone and three Williams were able to reclaim some ballistae and fend off the hord
- Elsewhere in the city Fin and a group of Williams rushed to and closed a gate before the horde made it through
- Later on William's armor defended a district single-handed
- Again the party found itself on the back foot as Fin, Adzari, and a group of Williams were split up in amongst some houses. They managed to defeat the horde and rescue some civilians. Adzari even lit a dinosaur on fire.... She claims
- As they finished off the hord, the living William with them declared that he was the second to last one, and dove into the zombies dead set on having a dramatic death
- The party braced for the final William in the castle ward to consume his poison pill and end this horrible world... but it did not happen. Instead they heard an explosion and rushed to see what was wrong
- When they arrived at the strategy room they found an petrified William surrounded by Valner and some of her minions
- In the ensuing battle, Fin through his shield at everything like a maniac, Derryn repeatedly charged the amber cage attempting to shatter it, Adzari finally cast an enormous "cleric" spell, and Persephone managed to destroy the amber cage with creative use of a pickaxe. One final shield throw from Fin managed to kill the final William and Falkovnia disappeared.
- While in the mists, a Vistani woman named Madam Eva appeared and offered to escort the remaining Falkovnian refugees back to their homes
- A few of them, including the long suffering Rufus, decided to join the party in Rosebrine
- About 10am in Rosebrine
A Rest in Rosebrine (14)
- They returned to the safety of the Mazeelder base to tell their employers about Falkovnia.
- The party told Mordenkainen, Ireena, and Miruna everything that happened to them including
- That they managed to convince the Dark Lord to do the right thing and sacrifice himself for his people
- That some of them had a mysterious connection to various figures in that world
- That they had once again met the strange cult and heard them say something about Osybus
- And That they now had two spooky bags of holding from different wardens
- In turn the founders of Mazeelder told the party that they had looked into the name Azalin Rex
- They found out that he is a powerful lich and Dark Lord who, by all reports, has escaped his realm of Darkon. Miruna, Mordenkainen, and Ireena were planning to head there soon to further investigate
- The briefing ended and the party found themselves 200 gold richer, which they immediately spent at the Pastoral Pastel
- Fin got the chocker of pez
- Adzari got the ring of Moods and the Hairclips of the butterfly
- Persephone got the ball of pocket beasts
- And Derryn got the house of dream
- All of these should be in your inventory now
- They then directed Rufus and the other Falkovnian refugees to open up an engineering shop
- The party then went their separate ways for a few weeks
- Fin and Persephone successfully robbed Abraham Oakblood, Fin's rival
- Though they attracted some guard attention
- Adzari worked with the Falkovnians to build a gadget out of William's old suit
- And Derryn did some religious services to try and learn more about his god's connection to chaos magic. He earned a favor and met a secret sect within the worshippers of helm.
- Each of them also got some visions from Kazarina the all seeing
Dastardly Dementlieu (15)
- After wrapping up some final work in Rosebrine they headed into the mists once again
- This time around they detected even more malevolence than usual
- Being hardly able to see 10 feet in front of them the party decided to tie a rope around their waists to prevent anyone from getting lost
- Suddenly a black horse with a firey mane and horned head burst from the mist and gored Derryn. The creature made a few hit and run attacks but eventually teleported away before anything final could happen
- Shaken, but intact the party eventually exited the mists onto a road that led to a walled city which they would soon to come to know as Port-a-Lucine
- They made their way to the city through a strange neighborhood outside the wall which was clearly poor, yet the folks acted rich.
- Like a switch was pulled in their head, both Derryn and Persephone, mirroring the folks around them started acting like they were the most important motherfuckers in the room, much to Fin and Adzari's confusion. (BUT NOT PERSEPHONE)
- They passed by a high quality wax statue outside of the House of Wax and made their way into the Black Cat Inn
- The friendly barkeep, Felix was happy to answer the heroes questions about Dementlieu and offered them a map of the city and a copy of the local newspaper Le Mousel while Persephone eyed the bar's namesake with devilish intentions
- On their way out Persephone noticed a mysterious man in the corner who had taken an interest in their party
- With absolutely zero chill she bought some wine and went over to him to chat
- He didn't reveal much about himself, but said that he could offer a legally dubious job to the party if they would like.
- The party decided to head on into the main city to follow up on some leads they found in the newspaper
- On their way in they meticulously studied the laws of the city and the penalties for breaking said laws, you know, like good guys do.
- Their first stop was to buy some masks from Fleur's Fabulous Faces which they did
- Fluer, a frightfully tall woman, sold unique masks and helped the party find some that would help them blend in to town. She told them not to fret too much about the latest fashion as it tended to change from week to week.
- Happy that her advertisement had brought in customers, Fleur was extra chatty and discussed a number of things with the party, including the recent murder, the weekly masquerade at the D'honair estate, a good local tailor to visit, and some local investigators.
- The party decided to head to the tailor's next when they heard a cry for help from an alleyway
- Noting that no one on the street payed any attention to this, the party rushed to the rescue.
- In the guts of the city they found one man with an rolling pin corned by three enormous and disgusting rats
- Persephone captured one in her not-a-pokeball and the party dispatched the other two with little trouble (but a lot of fleas)
- The man introduced himself as Pierre and as thanks invited the party to join in on a scam he was about to pull on some nobles that involved rat meat pate and nimble fingers.
- The party refused and considered turning him in. Next up, the mysterious murder on the front page of Le Mousel
- Day one in Dementlieu 2pm
The Red Death Murders (16)
- They started by investigating the murder they had read about in the paper
- The guards were unhelpful, but let the party past and they learned
- The corpse was indeed mummified and drained of moistures
- There was no wound or sign of a struggle
- The corpse and surrounding area were coated in a strange red dust that was some sort of naturally ocurring material that eminated necrotic energy
- The corpse's clothing seemed intact but was both flashy and very low quality
- They then decided to introduce themselves to the detective Alanik Ray who was having a heated discussion with a nearby guard.
- Eventually Alanik invited the party back to his home to meet his husband Arther Sedgwick and talk late into the night
- During the discussion, Alanik revealed that he believed the domains of dread were simply how the world operated. Persephone presented her thesis to him, and he wasn't completely convinced but willing to entertain the thought.
- The detectives then shared what they knew about the case
- First, they were hired under mysterious circumstances and to this day do not know the identity of their employer. Though the employer provided them a home and funding to operate for a year
- Second, they've been in Dementlieu for about 6 months and there has been a related murder around once per month
- Finally, they haven't been able to track down who or whatever is doing this, but they're highly suspicious of the nobility given that no corpses have been found in The Promenade (that they know of), and the guards are incredibly useless in the investigation
- During this discussion, Persephone asked in the detectives if they symbol of Osybus looked familiar to them and Arther pointed out that is is the symbol of house Phlegethan which runs one of the local hospitals
- They also asked the detectives about the Masquerade, and were told they could perhaps steal invitations or become famous enough to attract the attention of the nobility.
- Calling it for the night, the party then made their way back to the Black Cat Inn, discussing their next steps along the way. They decided to look into some of the mysteries that the detectives had let slide and also wonderd out loud if maybe one of them was the Dark Lord.
- At the Inn Rosebrine/NPCs/Westby Blackjack offered them a smuggling job on behalf of the The Violet Knot though most of the party was uninterested
- They managed to sneak into one room for cheap because of Derryn's Delightful Dream House, though slept miserably because he decided to investigate the bag of holding.
- They started the day by sending Rosebrine/NPCs/Valdak Kelkaryn back to Mazeelder HQ to further analyze the mysterious red dust
- Next they went to get dance lessons from Graceful Gavotte's School of Dance. While Fin was a dancing prodigy, the rest had some work to do. And the group danced all day
- Its about 6 pm Day 2 in Dementlieu, you just spent the whole day dancing
Amelie, A delivery, and a Mystery (17)
- After an exhausting day of dancing they decided to investigate the Phlegethan Hospital to confirm whether it had any connection to the Priests of Osybus (Dementlieu)
- On their way in they convinced the receptionist that they were visiting a patient, and then proceeded to explore.
- They realized that only the right side of the building was a traditional hospital, with the left being reserved for an unsettling asyulm
- On the third floor, the party's suspicions were confirmed when they saw the symbol of Osybus on the door of the administration building. They tried to investigate further but a rude administrator named Armelle Phlegethan prevented them
- They then decided to actually visit the old lady to find her sleeping, though Fin's prayer woke her up
- She revealed that her actual name was Amalie and that she had done some "adventuring" in the past as well, but had accepted that her time had come and was here for a peaceful death
- The party had a long conversation with her where she explained her past and a number of her thoughts about the denizens of Dementlieu
- Ultimately they were so charmed by her that they decided to talk to Alanik to get another wheelchair so that they could heist Amalie out of there for one last adventure
- On the way out of the hospital, Adzari and Persephone hid in a closet so that they could snoop in the administrator's office and Derryn asked about career opportunities at the hospital
- In the office, Persephone and Adzari found a ring with the house Phlegethan symbol on it which they took. They also saw some peculiarly emphasized names in the asylum listing.
- The party was finding themselves a bit short of cash, so the next day Fin taught a dance lesson while Persephone and Adzari delivered the "candles" for Rosebrine/NPCs/Westby Blackjack
- Since they were able to stuff everything into their bag of holding, everything went off without a hitch
- While dancing, Fin and Derryn befriended Sammy Donovich, rival dancer and friend of the boy who'd disappeared in the library, and Rosebrine/NPCs/Charlotte Redalph a servant for the D'honairs who was in remedial servant/dance school
- The group then went to meet the Rosebrine/NPCs/Janvier Family who's son had recently gone missing in the library. They learned that the son was named Leon, he had a distinctive gear necklace, and liked to visit the library and the church. Around the time he went missing he was trying to decide whether to follow is mother into inventing or his father into accounting.
- Then the party headed to the Great Library to begin their investigation, noting that the library was founded by house Griod, one of the names on the asylum list.
- Its about 2pm day 3 in Dementlieu
The Shifty Library (18)
- The party began their investigation for the missing child at the Great Library
- First they met Rosebrine/NPCs/Elroy Bolitash who confirmed that Leon was a frequent visitor of the library. Elroy also suggested a librarian guide the party to the sections they were looking for as the organization system was a bit confusing...
- As the party stepped into the library proper they noted its strange shape where all of the bookcases were at an angle and went all the way to the ceiling
- Derryn and Adzari went with one of the librarians up to the top floor to investigate the business and magic sections while Persephone and Fin stayed below.
- Persephone and Fin noticed strange divots in the floors and ceilings, and asked their accompanying librarian about them. She said it was a foolish venture by the founder to allow the shelves to rotate, but that the whole system had fallen into disrepair. The two decided to look for a section where the divot had been used recently.
- Meanwhile, Derryn and Adzari upstairs noted that their librarian had some transmutational magic
- Both groups experienced strange hallucinogenic visions that dazed all but Derryn, and while those above were left unharmed by the effect, Persephone woke up to an aching head, a slightly unreliable brain and the lingering stench of sulphur
- The party quickly re-united and demanded an explanation from the Bernadette the Librarian who was evasive at best but promised to have house Griod look into the attacks and the missing boy.
- Derryn noticed that she too had the magic aura, adn that there was something off about her speaking patterns. He asked her to agree to a zone of truth but she denied.
- Derryn then realized he could track the missing child fairly easily by casting Locate Object on his unique gear necklace
- His spell led the party not too far away to the Saint's Rest Inn where they found Leon mindlessly staring into the fire.
- Through some conversation the party was able to coax Leon out of his stupor and bring him home to his parents who were delighted that he was at least safe, but perturbed by his mental state
- The party then went to Alanik Ray and Arther Sedgwick to see if they could learn more about the creature that Adzari guessed was an Oblex, and indeed they did. They also got Alanik's old wheelchair for their new friend in the hospital
- That night Persephone opened her dissertation notes to find a strange message that she hadn't written and set to cracking the code
- The next day after some vigorous dancing lessons, the party went to Griod Manor to warn the nobles of what lurked in their library.
- They followed the butler in to the house, but persephone noticed that he too was part of the Oblex.
- As soon as she communicated this to the group, Derryn impaled the Butler on his spear, only for the butler to turn around, transform into Persephone and smile a devilishly at him.
- About noon day 4 in Dementlieu
House Oblex (19)
- The party geared up for a fight only for the mysterious butler before them to disappear and lock all of the doors of the house
- The party attempted to chase this creature all through the house, facing a number of nasty situations and attacks along the way.
- Adzari investigated the door and deduced that it was mechanical and the switch was somewhere inside
- The party decided to try and find some means of burning the house down and went straight to the kitchen, which unfortunately only had some dusty firewood and a cook book
- While inside the kitchen they heard thumping and calls for help upstairs. They headed up to investigate and Derryn cast detect magic just in case
- The party breached the room and Derryn, seeing two figures both of whom were lit up with magic decided to attack both. They both got ready to retaliate when they suddenly screamed in agony and disappeared back into the floorboards.
- Little did Derryn know, at the same time Adzari was ambushed and left nearly unconscious, but her hellish rebuke seemed particularly painful to the creature
- The party looted the room while Adzari stayed outside, a choice that she soon regretted as she saw herself stab another person across the hallway.
- Deciding that the creature probably lived in the basement, the party attempted to go down there but was blocked by a door that required multiple levels to be pulled
- The party split up and this time Persephone was memory-drained before reuniting with the group
- They got down to the basement and all but Derryn were hypnotized by another of the creature's tricks. Derryn woke everyone up with some violence
- Down in the basement the creature called for a truce and began talking to the party. It introduced itself as Xendrux, and said that it had always been house Griod, and that it now knew everything that Persephone and Adzari knew, and wanted out of the domains of dread
- Between Xendrux, knowing that the party could indeed free it by destroying the Dark Lord, and the party, knowing that Xendrux could easily get half the party sent to jail, an uneasy alliance was formed.
- Using its knowledge of Dementlieu and the party's knowledge of the domains of dread, Xendrux surmised that Saidra D'honaire must be the Dark Lord. And agreed to provide invitations to the masquerade to the party. It also gave the party a potion to cure young Leon of his mental fog
- The party cured THE BOY and collected the rest of their reward
- They then went to pick up Amelie who faked her death for the lols
- During all of this, Fin was deemed the keeper of the mist talisman, Amelie casually discussed blood magic, and the party heard multiple references to the mysterious "fairy godmothers"
- Back at the Black Cat Inn, Persephone made a deal with Westby Blackjack to take out the Fairy godmothers in exchange for "all of the fireballs you have"
- Meanwhile Derryn and Fin attempted to sneak away from the group to free Frederic from the Asylum, but were caught by Adzari and told that this must happen later.
- 8am Day 5 in Dementlieu
The Fairy Godmothers (20)
- The party geared up for a fight only for the mysterious butler before them to disappear and lock all of the doors of the house
- The party attempted to chase this creature all through the house, facing a number of nasty situations and attacks along the way.
- Adzari investigated the door and deduced that it was mechanical and the switch was somewhere inside
- The party decided to try and find some means of burning the house down and went straight to the kitchen, which unfortunately only had some dusty firewood and a cook book
- While inside the kitchen they heard thumping and calls for help upstairs. They headed up to investigate and Derryn cast detect magic just in case
- The party breached the room and Derryn, seeing two figures both of whom were lit up with magic decided to attack both. They both got ready to retaliate when they suddenly screamed in agony and disappeared back into the floorboards.
- Little did Derryn know, at the same time Adzari was ambushed and left nearly unconscious, but her hellish rebuke seemed particularly painful to the creature
- The party looted the room while Adzari stayed outside, a choice that she soon regretted as she saw herself stab another person across the hallway.
- Deciding that the creature probably lived in the basement, the party attempted to go down there but was blocked by a door that required multiple levels to be pulled
- The party split up and this time Persephone was memory-drained before reuniting with the group
- They got down to the basement and all but Derryn were hypnotized by another of the creature's tricks. Derryn woke everyone up with some violence
- Down in the basement the creature called for a truce and began talking to the party. It introduced itself as Xendrux, and said that it had always been house Griod, and that it now knew everything that Persephone and Adzari knew, and wanted out of the domains of dread
- Between Xendrux, knowing that the party could indeed free it by destroying the Dark Lord, and the party, knowing that Xendrux could easily get half the party sent to jail, an uneasy alliance was formed.
- Using its knowledge of Dementlieu and the party's knowledge of the domains of dread, Xendrux surmised that Saidra D'honaire must be the Dark Lord. And agreed to provide invitations to the masquerade to the party. It also gave the party a potion to cure young Leon of his mental fog
- The party cured THE BOY and collected the rest of their reward
- They then went to pick up Amelie who faked her death for the lols
- During all of this, Fin was deemed the keeper of the mist talisman, Amelie casually discussed blood magic, and the party heard multiple references to the mysterious "fairy godmothers"
- Back at the Black Cat Inn, Persephone made a deal with Westby Blackjack to take out the Fairy godmothers in exchange for "all of the fireballs you have"
- Meanwhile Derryn and Fin attempted to sneak away from the group to free Frederic from the Asylum, but were caught by Adzari and told that this must happen later.
- 8am Day 5 in Dementlieu
Cheating Death (21)
Battered and down one paladin, the party fought on with the hags.
- Granny Weaver told the entity in Derryn's body to escape while she could
- Unfortunately for her she ran straight into "Marcus" a horrible bipedal frog minion, who easily knocked her unconscious.
- The party managed to down Granny Promise and gut the coven's spellcasting ability
- In retaliation Granny Weaver grabbed the doll holding Derryn's soul and threatened to destroy it, and a missed spell from Persephone saw Weaver follow through with her threat
- Fortunately Persephone realized that soul stealing was a threat, and as such had already secured a scroll of soul cage the day before which she used to capture Derryn's soul before it drifted off into the afterlife
- The party eventually triumphed over the hags their minions, and quickly turned to resurrecting their dead? friend
- Fortunately they were able to use the hag's resources to revive Derryn, who came back a changed man.
- While they were there they found a number of unusual but useful trinkets, including a magical dwarf head, a dope bracelet, and a jar with an eye that points to undead, mirror that sees last moment of death
- They made their way back to the Black Cat Inn, and learned that, while Amalie was a powerful spellcaster, each spell cost her fairly dearly. And as such the party decided to let her sit the next adventure out (much to her chagrin)
- Back at the Inn they approached a bewildered Westby Blackjack who followed up with his end of the bargain and supplied the party with five scrolls of fireball
- That night, Adzari pored over Granny Weaver's diary and discovered the coven's role in creating this realm
- Saidra D'Honaire was raised believing she was royalty and that she was entitled to a better life than everyone else.
- Later in life her father remarried and she tormented by three wicked step sisters who forced her to do manual labor
- Went to the ball to court the Duke and take become the royalty she was meant to be (with the fairy godmothers' help)
- The Duke, utterly charmed by Saidra, revealed during their dance that he too was not in fact royalty, and she murdered him for it right in front of everyone
- The hags, were utterly delighted that they had sown enough despair to create a domain of dread and settled in Dementlieu.
- Things you discussed wanting to do
- Sow rumors
- Make new dance moves to set trends including Fin's Hand and your particularly scarf-laden new clothes?
- Investigate the wraith
- Check the hospital
- Its about 10am day 7 (sunday)
The Phlegethan Fortress (22)
- Derryn started the day with an uncharacteristic amount of drinking as a means of coping with his near death experience.
- His compatriots tried to chear (and sober) him up with a non rat-based brunch at Pierre's restaurant
- Next they visited Arther and Alanik to fill them in on everything the partry had learned so far, and the detectives told the party what they knew about Wraiths
- The group then activated their undead detector which pointed at a strange trinket around Fin's neck and at the stately island across the bay belonging to Saidra D'honaire. Though after a few minutes the eye closed
- The party decided they should perform some reconnaissance at the ball and went to get their tickets from Xendrux. Though they were distracted by the sight of Viggo, the man from Cyre 1313 leaving just as they arrived. Xendrux was cagey about his relationship with the man but lived up to his end of the bargain and provided the party with tickets to the masquerade
- They then paid yet another visit to Phlegethan hospital to talk to, and potentially rescue, Frederick Rose, the one librarian who seemed to escape Xendrux's clutches
- They had a good conversation and she appreciated that the party believed her story
- During said conversation, Fin and Persephone overheard some patients spouting some oddly specific phrases which raised their suspicion
- A quick distraction provided by Derryn allowed the party to discover a secret Osybus base beneath the asylum
- Not feeling particularly merciful, the party made their way room by room cutting down the members of this organization. They learned that this was a place for inducting new members, and that the requirements for said induction were rather cruel
- They prevented one induction entirely and saved a hapless asylum patient named Stan
- After a harrowing fight with some tattoo-laden cultists who came back from the dead, the party discovered a revealing letter about the cult and some of their sources
- Noon Day 7 (Sunday)
Snooping on Saidra (23)
- They finished their tour of the secret Osybus base by slaying Armelle Phlegethan and his minions.
- In looting the place they found a hefty sum of gold and a mysterious book that they could not read
- On their way out Adzari disguised herself as Armelle and ordered the guards to re-evaluate and release a lot of the folks in the asylum, including Rosebrine/NPCs/Frédéric Rose who they sent to the Three Odd Gables with a disguise self scroll
- Remembering that they needed to go to the masquerade the party rushed to get clean and presentable and barely made it to the barge that would take them to the D'honaire estate
- During said trip, Adzari spread rumors of Saidra's low-birth and Derryn found a new gambling buddy in Gyro Letromp
- The party had decided ahead of time that they were only here to scout out the Dark Lord and her estate.
- They learned the general layout of the estate, the timeline of the masquerade, and that there were two sets of guards and workers (one of whom was a strange new kind of undead)
- Persephone and Fin successfully set of a new scarf-based dance craze
- They learned how the government of Dementlieu operates, and that its head Lord Governor Marcel Guignol is the warden of this domain
- They saw the hostility between Margo Zuvich and Saidra D'honaire and heard about the vault somewhere on the estate
- Saidra lived up to her reputation and dusted two unlucky souls right in front of everyone, Adzari recognized the use of the disintegration spell.
- Fin flawlessly taught Saidra the new dance, but was too terrified to talk to her.
- Derryn was surprised to run into Rosebrine/NPCs/Charlotte Redalph who expressed her gratitude at being taught how to dance well enough to keep working at the masquerade.
- Later that evening a lovely young lady named Elise flirted with and eventually isolated Fin so that she could suck his blood
- She was dissapointed in Fin's lack of nobility and flew away as the party approached to rescue their friend. And Derryn planted a hunter's mark on her so that they could deal with her later
- by 11:30 the party was coming to an end and everyone was hurried on to the barges to head home.
- On the water, a random noble under some sort of trance attempted to push Fin overboard, and then didn't remember anything of the incident. It was the will of the Mists.
- Its about 8 am Monday (Day 8)
Fintastic Revelations (24)
- They started the day by reading the newest copy of Le Mousel and saw their exploits causing various stirs all across the city. And they declared that their new dance was called The PampleMoose
- Then they visited Alanik and arthur who were, awkwardly enough, hosting the Lord Governor when the party came to visit. He was asking the detectives to investigate the death of Armelle Phlegethan
- After the Lord Governor left, the party and the detectives concocted a plan to stall the investigation for at least a few days. The party also heard some good advice about how to hunt a vampire
- Next they decided to scout out the D'honaire estate during the day by borrowing a local fisherman's boat
- They landed on the West side of the island and snuck around the compound
- They saw the unsettling faces of the guards
- They noted the absence of the servants
- They broke into the church and crypt and confirmed that this was not actually the D'honaire estate with some good old fashioned grave robbing
- And they found a secret passage into the house where they overheard lady Saidra discussing this week's fashion (something something tangerine?)
- Deciding it was time to go, the party attempted to sneak out, but were spotted and had to desperately book it back to the boat
- With angry guards and arrows chasing them they decided to row into the mists only slightly, where Adzari's personality suddenly changed entirely and the boat was nearly sunk by cannon ball out of nowhere
- Eventually the party made it back to shore where they overheard talk about a strange ripple emanating from the island
- They then went to a bar in Chemin to have some long awaited conversations about each other's true natures
- Adzari discussed that she sees and is taken over by ghosts occasionally, and admitted that she wasn't talking to Savros anymore
- And an ancy Fin revealed that he wasn't exactly alive.
- Just as the party was coming to terms with all of this another cannonball tore into the town. Pietra had arrived
- 5pm, Monday day 8
World's Collide (25)
- They sent some couriers around town to tell their various friends and allies to gather at the Black Cat Inn
- Then Fin told them everything he knew about Pietra and the group split up
- Fin and Persephone went to the Lord Governor's Manor to try and lure Pietra into a fight by dipping Fin's pendant in the water. They nearly came face to face with one of Pietra's crewmates but retreated before the fight could start
- meanwhile Adzari and Derryn went to warn the Janvier family and create more chaos in town
- Fin and Persephone tried to link up with the rest of the group but unfortunately ran straight into more of Pietra's crew. They decided to lead them back to the Lord Governor's manor
- All four met up there and shit went crazy
- Fin spent a lot of time stuck in giant crab claws and using the opportunity to taunt pietra
- Derryn farted out another fog cloud and managed to kill two of the crew
- Adzari summoned an illusory giant squid to attack the Governor's house
- Persephone danced around the battle blowing things up attempting to coax saidra out of hiding.
- Eventually the Lord Governor himself joined in the fight with his terrifying raw punching capabilities. He didn't have much time to sus things out before Pietra finally located Fin and teleported straight to him.
- Unfortunately for everyone nearby, she was locked into a vicious battle with Saidra which seemed to be ripping at the very fabric of reality.
- The party decided to hightail it out of there but not before pummeling the dueling dark lords with all of the fireballs
- As Dementlieu crumbled around them they nearly didn't make it out, and only a timely and self-sacrificing bless spell from Amalie got the party and their allies safely back into the Mists
- The party also saw Viggo walk off into the mists with the Oblex of House Griod, Elise the vampire, and one other individual they didn't recognize.
- Party is now back at the Mazeelder base
Return to Rosebrine (26)
- They stumbled their way back to Rosebrine and filled in the rest of Mazeelder about all that had occurred there, including the many revelations within the party
- Unicorns, Oblexes, smashing two darklords together, Fin's Undeadness, Adzari's Warlockness, Viggo, The Priests of Osybus, everything
- The Mazeelder leadership had some updates of their own that they indeed had been to Darkon and confirmed that its Dark Lord, Azalin Rex, was indeed gone. They had also found evidence of the Priests of Osybus' involvement in Rex's dissapearance.
- They agreed to send the party to Endon to check for Derryn's brother, but also mentioned shifting priorities to dealing with the cult
- The party then went about finding homes for the various folks who they'd managed to rescue. Most stayed in town except for The Husbands who wanted to explore more of the material plane
- The party then took their traditional visit to the Provincial Pastel where they finally met Elkian's mysterious "provider" a strange dog creature named Trunk. Regardless, the group got some brand new magic swag
- In their time between missions, the party took Derryn to Waterdeep in attempt to cheer him up, and on the way Fin was finally honest to the party about specifically how he had served Pietra
- In Waterdeep,
- Persephone led Derryn on a prank war against various miscreants
- Fin invited Derryn into some good old fashioned pit fighting
- And Adzari bravely volunteered to follow Derryn on a beer mile
- Eventually they returned to Mazeelder base ready for their next mission. Ireena, handed them the goggles with one cracked eye, the mist talisman for Endon, and they made their way into the mists once again.
Build a Blade (27)
- They grabbed yet another talisman from Ireena and headed into the mists
- This time they intended to go to Endon, where Derryn suspected he would find his brother Esmund
- The mists seemed hostile, but no evil unicorns attacked
- Once they arrived they found themselves in a ruined and abandoned undeground city
- A lot of the buildings and random things were made of solid gold, including some disturbingly lifelike statues
- As far as they could tell, the gold was solid all the way through and any pieces small enough to carry had long been looted
- While investigating the party heard the screams of some folks being attacked
- They rushed into action and defended the defenseless from some horrible six-legged spider monsters that consumed one poor bystander's brain
- before the party could ask questions, more of the monster appeared and forced everyone to retreat
- The scavengers led the party to the tallest building in town to get up to the surface. Unfortunately for them, at the top of the stairs stood Viggo who promptly knocked them out.
- When they came to they were suddenly body swapped with the folks they rescued
- Viggo gloated over his captives and when Persephone attempted to bite him she was suddenly thrust back into place, Adzari recognized a disturbingly familiar shimmer when that happened
- Viggo then told "Derryn" to go torment Esmund
- He then asked "Adzari" to give him the compass in her pocket and headed off with the intent to "talk to their bosses"
- Now the party finds themselves in different bodies in a strange new world that didn't bat an eye when dozens were slain in a horrible accident.
- 10am Day one in Endon
Settling in Endon (28)
- They stumbled into Endon with their newfound bodies and tried to get the lay of the land
- First they noticed that the city was ringed with enormous towers with sparking lightning, and that the sky was so smoggy that it was impossible to tell if it was night or day
- They then studied a local newspaper for clues about the world
- It had strange advertisements of folks hawking inventions
- And it clarified that the area beneath had been hit with some kind of gold apocalypse which was swiftly repaired by Colburn Enterprises, a name which appeared all over the paper
- Going off some vague knowledge that they had from their new bodies, the party decided to target a gang known as The Crows to see if they could supplant them and claim their base
- Fin tracked down one of The Crow leaders and something something somethinged her into telling him where once of their bases in Nightmarket was
- The party scouted some more and learned that was some kind of smuggling operation with a pretty heavy guard presence, about 7 crows present, and rumors of housing a strange creature.
- The party snuck their way into the secret entrance, stole some drugs and sent others up through the air vents
- In the violent brawl that followed all seven crows lay dead
- Several with slit throats
- One stuck to a random wall for eternity
- A couple smashed in with a gruesome bat
- And the leader dead via gunshot wound after being told to "Catch This"
- The party then settled into their new base and began drawing up plans for the future
- They did some healing, some training, some inventing, and some gambling, and Derryn found his brother alive and seemingly doing quite well for himself
- 8am Day 2
Robbery at the Rumble (29)
- They decided to investigate Colburn Enterprises and were nearly stopped completely at the great bridge leading into Whitecrown, fortunately Adzari was able to use his status as nobility to get across
- Once across the bridge they tried to glean all they could about the mysterious organization
- They had some pretty serious security on the first floor
- The building hosted a lot of business types and inventors
- The party also found a strange pamphlet that explained how Endoners perceive magic
- On the way back home they realized they were being followed and sent Derryn's hawk to discover where the stalker came from
- Once back at their base in Nightmarket, the party was approached by a woman named Remira, a representative of the Circle of Flame
- She five coin if they could steal the spell powering the Geomaster 3000, and gave them four tickets to get into the Rivets and Research Rumble where it was being demonstrated
- She promised two more coins if the party could do it discreetly which.... didn't happen
- At first the plan went smoothly, Adzari immediately endeared himself to the device's inventor and was able to learn which component to steal
- Meanwhile Fin and Derryn snuck around the back and drugged a guard with laxatives so that Derryn could control the electronics
- Persephone was about to start a fight to make a distraction, when someone else started the fight for him. A wirey and angry man started yelling at all of the inventors that they'd stolen their ideas from him
- Pivoting, Persephone got in a fight with him directly
- And while everyone else was distracted, Adzari swapped out the spell storage with her own low-quality substitute
- Unfortunately she took a bit too long setting off the device and was spotted by the guards
- All hell broke loose, involving a smoke bomb, the luddite brigade, some handcuffs, and some well-chosen disguises and the party walked away from the madness with their prize
- 8am day 5 in Endon
Esmund's side of the story (30)
- Adzari remembered his rival, an investigator named Karth Welker who was now hot on his trail
- Taking some time to relax, Lenny got stepped on by Lady Dimitrescue, Morgan played with gore like a morbid child, and the other two gambled like the robot dogs depended on it
- After that they all did some training in the base, which basically meant Lenny moved boxes and everyone else reacted
- Once they were recharged they headed out decided to track whoever had followed them the other night and found themselves in the downtrodden neighborhood of Dunslough
- There they met Kristov Clermont and The Lost (I), a group of repentent folks who were trying to make up for their sins
- Turns out Kristov had followed them because of their interest in Heroco. Esmund Felways (Derryn's brother), had once been a member of that group but abandoned them a few years ago around the time of the last cataclysm.
- In response to Heroco abusing its employees, The Lost were planning on destroying one of their factories, a responsibility that they offered to The Party if they wanted to perhaps earn a better reputation with The Lost
- Next the party visited Remira Helker, representative of the mysterious The Circle of Flame (III)
- She confirmed that she had seen Viggo around quite a bit in recent years
- She also agreed to begin researching the party's body-swap problem in exchange for them "dealing with" a former member of the Circle named Lord Percival Blackthorne
- Finally the party decided to see what they could learn from Heroco and both Adzari and Derryn went into the helmets
- Derryn confirmed his suspicion that all of the memories were directly from his brother, and even saw himself show up in the background for some
- Eventually they watched the most recent recording, which was of that fateful day when Derryn lost everything
- They saw a horrible weapon go off and engulf hundreds of soldiers, each of whom started screaming as their molecular structure started to mutate and combine with the things in and around them
- And at the top of this horrible weapon was a strangely familiar looking man.
- 8 am day 7 in Endon
Insurance Fraud and Wishes (31)
- Some crows came by and attempted to collect rent but were immediately scared off by Persephone and his enormous baseball bat with nails in it
- The crew then set a plan into motion to sabotage Percival Blackthorne
- Derryn sent her eagle to scout out the target and learn what he looked like and his routines
- Fin disguised himself as the noble and took out an insurance plan on several heroco factories
- On the day of the score, Derryn and Adzari snuck inside to plant the documents while Fin and Persephone stayed outside on rescue and distraction duty
- The mission was not completely covert, but it was ultimately a success
- The maids of the house had to clean up a lot of dead rats and the children of the neighborhood learned the Pamplemoose dance
- They also learned that Lord Blackthorne had good reason to anger the Circle of Flame, and stole his diary
- On their way back to base the party saw a woman casually peddling draws from the Deck of Many Things
- Persephone drew twice and lost a lot of her knowledge she'd gained in this realm
- Its about 8 am day 9 in Endon
The Heroco Fire (32)
- On their way to destroy the heroco factory they noticed strange garish fliers for something called the Witchlight Carnival
- They decided to get into the Heroco factory by pretending to be repairfolks sent by the union, a ruse which worked perfectly.
- The night before Morgan had sabotaged a machine, a vulnerability that Tony was able to capitalize on, causing a huge pileup in the factory
- Lenny mentioned the danger of "fumes", a previously established code word for the workers, and all of that convinced them to evacuate the facility.
- While Lenny and Morgan scouted downstairs, Tony planted the explosive devices. One of which went off early.
- In the ensuing chaos the party managed to plant some bodies and escape with only a few burn marks. They made sure that Silas Clermont Lord Percival Blackthorne's body guard, was seen pamplemoosing his way away from the scene of the crime.
- Unfortunately for Tony, he was spotted by Karth Welker on his way out of the madness. And Morgan ended up haunted from the stress.
- While taking some time to themselves the party heard an uncharacteristic scream a few blocks down in Nightmarket. Turns out someone attempted to sell a familiar locket with a finger on it and ran into the sewer as he transformed into a zombie.
- The party then reported their triumph to The Lost and The Circle of Flame
- Remira Helker told them that the Circle would create a body swapper that hte party would use, but that ultimately they would hold on to it. She told the party they needed to help her research the spell, find a boatload of mercury, and a some pieces of tourmaline to get the thing working.
- Finally, Derryn had a years-in-the-making conversation with his long lost brother.
- its about 8 am Day 11
The Great Barge Burglary (33)
- They were visited by a mysterious demonic entity who claimed to have kidnapped one of their bodies and was holding it for ransom. Unfortunately for them, the person they chose was Fin. Who doesn't want that smelly old thing anyway
- Then the crew started putting out feelers for finding mercury and tourmaline, Lenny got a good lead on the former by beating up a Colburn Enterprises (V) goon.
- A few days later they borrowed a "seasoned" boat from The Lost (I) and got in place to rob a barge that was transporting mercury from the mines to the Colburn building
- Morgan and Lenny hung from a nearby bridge as a boarding party and stealthly landed onboard with the help of a signature Rat distraction
- They found the barrels of mercury and, in need of another distraction, Morgan summoned the ghost of a very touchy old man while Lenny moved the barrels to the edge of the boat
- Tony had sabotaged the barge the night before, but given that it had worked "too well", decided not to invoke that plan
- Meanwhile Edlun and Tony hovered nearby as the escape vehicle and Tony through some drugs on one of the escort ships to take those guards out of the action.
- Getting the barrels into the boat was a slow and delicate procedure which overtaxed Lenny and knocked him out of the action for a minute
- Morgan barely got back into the boat as it sped away with Colburn guards hot on their tail
- Lenny woke up just in time to bully Steven into lifting a sleuce gate, knocking one of the guardboats out of the water. He then got shot and promptly passed out again.
- After their success the party sold their excess mercury, Steven got in trouble but Lenny paid off the guards, Tony started researching the transformation spell, and the party started looking for their real bodies in earnest.
- They also learned through there network that next week's Ebon Star Gala would present an excellent opportunity to steal some tourmaline.
- 8 am Day 13
Viggo's Ego (34)
- They started noticing more technological innovation in Endon, including more advanced flying machines, stranger creatures, and powerful extra-dimensional doors.
- Esmund then gave them some information on Viggo's apartment which the party decided to follow up on
- They found it in an unassuming building called The Lamplighter which had a reputation for being a place where the wealthy hid their various secrets and misdeeds
- On their way to the top floor they walked past an orgy and..... Censored
- Viggo's apartment was immaculately set up but also looked like it hadn't been visited in at least a month
- In Viggo's study they found some mysterious documents in infernal talking about recruits and candidates, both of which listed some familiar names. They also found a letter chastising Viggo for shirking his responsibilities towards Lord Bael in favor of some other project.
- In Viggo's bedroom they found a familiar looking red door which led into the Mists of Ravenloft, unfortunately all of the mist talismans were missing
- They were about to leave when a strange bat-like woman crashed into the bedroom and starting investigating suspiciously
- The party managed to ambush and restrain her and get an explanation
- She introduced herself as Aurelia, a member of the Witchlight Carnival and said she was there tracking Viggo (or The Gentleman Caller as she knows him)
- Tensions fell when Aurelia clarified that she, and the rest of the carnival, were no friends of Viggo. She gave the party tickets to the carnival and invited them to meet with its leader Isolde
- Later on the party visited Esmund to ask some more questions
- Though he didnt know why he was one of Viggo's "Candidates" he did share more their relationship and first meeting.
- He also told Derryn that his original body had been found strutting around an aviary in Brightstone and founding a new gang
- Persephone showed Esmund an illustration of the strange man who had accosted them at the science fair and he told her that this man was known as Aldric "Crazy" Carmine
- Finally the party convinced Esmund to give them 10 coin so that they would have some cash to throw around at the auction.
- 8am Day 14
Gastro Grief and Gays at the Gala (35)
- They donned some fancy clothes and made their way to the Ebon Star Gala where they would pull of an elaborate and high-risk plan to... outbid other people at an auction and take their score completely legally
- Persephone wore a light lavender and comically undersized tuxedo, Adzari wore a fancy red suit, fin wore a black suit with a pastel pink half cloak, and Derryn wore a deep red suit with "matching" cowboy accessories.
- Though the party reveled in self-expression, the guests at the Gala snickered at their expense for being woefully out of fashion. A local hero by the name of Betram Clelland led the mockery, and claimed to have arrested Lenny many times in the past
- Before the auction started, the party attempted to stealthily eliminate their competition by beating up attendees beforehand and poisoning food during the cocktail hour
- They managed to outbid all of their competition during the first auction and secure three pieces of tourmaline.
- The crew decided to hang around during dinner to see if any more opportunities arose
- Derryn poisoned himself on purpose in order to steal from others suffering from Adzari's poison
- Betram attempted to taunt Persephone again and ended up questioning his heterosexuality.
- Back at the base Adzari finished the swapping spell and with that and the tourmaline and mercury from previous scores, the party was ready to swap their bodies back. All that was left was finding the damn things
- They managed to track Adzari's body to an old warehouse on the docks and though they succesfully convinced Tony to come with them, they did explode the whole warehouse and suffered quite a few burns and bruises in the process
- 8 am Day 18
Tats'n Birbs (36)
- The party was rudely awoken by Karth Welker, who was finally ready to present an ironclad case against Tony for his various crimes
- Rather than deal with it, the party abandoned their base and escaped into the sewers
- They dropped off all of the equipment for the bodyswap back at the Centralia Club and set off to rescue Persephone's body first
- The plan was to walk into Ink and Shadow and have "Edlun" convince Lenny to come with them
- The receptionist was strangely cold to the party and ended up hitting a hidden emergency button
- Next, she and several other customers were suddenly possessed and attacked the party
- In the ensuing brawl people were stabbed, bitten, and booby trapped
- Then Persephone joined the fray and used multiple spells against the party
- Eventually the party realized all of these folks had a strange tattoo on them which was causing the behavior
- One by one they tore off the tattoos and brought everyone back to normal
- They tried to learn more about Alistair Veil, the mysterious owner of the establishment who ostensibly was there during the attack. But all they found was a client list that included some vaguely familiar names.
- Then they went to The Aviary to grab Derryn's body
- Being afraid of what Morgan could do with Derryn's strength the party decided to make some MILITARY GRADE NERVE GAS just in case
- They zip-lined into the precarious tower right into a room with a beautiful parrot who started playfully mimicking their sounds. Tobias slit the creature's throat
- They then lured the only guard into the room and knocked him unconscious
- As they made their way up through the tower they dealt with more strange birds, a collapsing floor, and even the outside of the tower as they Noped their way around a floor full of guards
- For some hairbrained reason they threw the nerve-gas at the person they were there to rescue and only barely didn't kill her. Though the explosion did accelerate the tower's inevitable decline
- The party quickly rappelled down to the same level as the other buildings.
- Persephone stole the pumped up boots and pulled herself and the unconscious Morgan to safety
- Adzari used her booster glove to fly off to another building and at the last second pulled Fin with her.
- Derryn cut one of their ziplines and "tarzan swung" to safety, nearly losing his grip in the process
- The party made a clean getaway as the building full of guards and rare birds collapsed behind them
- That night the party, their bodyswappers, and Remira Helker headed to the Long Library which housed Remira's secret lab. Unfortunately the Lud Brotherhood had gotten there first.
- 10 pm Day 21
Return to Form (37)
- Persephone coached Lenny into spraying fire all over the library entrance and then throwing a magical elephant into the entryway, confessing that she hadn't learned to read until she was 11.
- Having sufficiently distracted the front guards, the party used their previously discovered secret cheese store entrance to get into the library's basement (Oh, and Fin seduced a cheese intern)
- In the basement Adzari used her iron man glove to bust down the door which attracted more attention
- In the ensuing brawl: pistols, daggers, magic missles, crossbows smoke bombs, sabers, and Tobiases left a bloody mess on the library floor
- Persephone and Adzari managed to break through the fighting to the entrance to Remira's secret lab, though they were unable to answer the riddle. Fortunately in a flash of Morgan-based brilliance, Derryn shouted "Skull" and the door opened.
- One by one the party switched their bodies back while fending off guards, except for Fin who found his own dubious means of superpowers
- Derryn attempted to keep fighting the guards but Lenny (actual Lenny this time) forced him to switch back as well. After which he stone-cold murdered his former host. Ironically using a lesson he learned from her.
- Back to full power, the party handily dispatched the rest of the Lud Brotherhood and captured their leader for questioning
- As they finished tieing him up they got the sense that they were being watched. Derryn dispelled the magic and a terrifying devilish creature suddenly appeared above them.
- 12:30 am Day 22
Witchlight Carnival
Wishing in Witchlight (38)
- The party sprung into action and accidentally executed the monster hiding above them. In its hand they found extensive notes on how the party had transferred back to their old bodies
- Further investigation revealed that it was a spined devil that didn't work for any archdevils as they normally would
- The party then questioned their Lud Brotherhood prisoner who balked to Adzari's silly-string based intimidation. He revealed that their organization was led by a woman named Elise.
- After some tension around the fate of the body-swapping technology the party decided to let both Remira and the prisoner go
- Next, in need of a new base of operations, they broke into Viggo's apartment and made themselves at home.
- They also convinced Lenny and Tony to eventually come with the party and make a new home in Rosebrine
- The next day the party made their way to the Witchlight Carnival where a strange man named Tindal excitedly led them from attraction to attraction including markets, snakes, monsters, games, gambling, and other wonders
- They met Madame Fortuna the fortune teller who told them that "The caller wants to transcend is current form" (the price for this information was Adzari's sense of fashion)
- They met their friend Trunk at the Litwick Market
- Persephone gave up ability to lie
- And Derryn cured a weretiger of his Lycanthropy
- Feeling like these folks could be allies, the party visited Isolde, the Carnival's leader
- She told the party her sad story and that ultimately she was bent on using her sword Nepenthe to behead The Caller for all of his transgressions
- At that moment, Fin shouted "I wish Viggo was right here" into the ether, invoking the wish spell.
- 6pm Day 23
Be careful What you wish for (39)
- A surprised Viggo appeared in front of them wearing a hard hat and with a clipboard in his hands
- Halfway through a threat to the players, Isolde flew into a rage and flung herself at Viggo, attempting to cut him in half
- Viggo summoned a few minions and the fight was on.
- Unfortunately for the party, Viggo mind controlled Fin and Isolde almost immediately and things went downhill from there
- Persephone was knocked unconscious and nearly killed and Derryn nearly polymorphed himself
- The fight abruptly ended when Viggo and his puppets surrounded and killed Adzari
- Satisfied that his message had been received, Viggo went into the ethereal plane and casually strolled out of the tent, dropping some threatening hints about Rosebrine on the way out.
- The party gathered around the dead Adzari wondering what to do. Did they have any resurrection spells? Should Fin wish her back to life? With a dramatic gasp she burst back to life. She told her compatriots that she had made yet another pact with an unknown being.
- Isolde was furious with the party for bringing Viggo here and furious with herself for being so unprepared. But they were still allies, and she agreed to bring them to Rosebrine next to continue the hunt
- The party spent the following week at the Carnival doing small chores.
- They made sure to gather Tony, Lenny, and Esmund (who had suddenly lost all of his money) before leaving
- Adzari and Tony also built a device to decode the Volantis of Osybus, and learned the password to unlock the strange tome was the name "Winston Stirling"
- Its about 8am day 30 and the Witchlight Carnival is ready to leave Endon.
Answers and Questions (40)
- A surprised Viggo appeared in front of them wearing a hard hat and with a clipboard in his hands
- Halfway through a threat to the players, Isolde flew into a rage and flung herself at Viggo, attempting to cut him in half
- Viggo summoned a few minions and the fight was on.
- Unfortunately for the party, Viggo mind controlled Fin and Isolde almost immediately and things went downhill from there
- Persephone was knocked unconscious and nearly killed and Derryn nearly polymorphed himself
- The fight abruptly ended when Viggo and his puppets surrounded and killed Adzari
- Satisfied that his message had been received, Viggo went into the ethereal plane and casually strolled out of the tent, dropping some threatening hints about Rosebrine on the way out.
- The party gathered around the dead Adzari wondering what to do. Did they have any resurrection spells? Should Fin wish her back to life? With a dramatic gasp she burst back to life. She told her compatriots that she had made yet another pact with an unknown being.
- Isolde was furious with the party for bringing Viggo here and furious with herself for being so unprepared. But they were still allies, and she agreed to bring them to Rosebrine next to continue the hunt
- The party spent the following week at the Carnival doing small chores.
- They made sure to gather Tony, Lenny, and Esmund (who had suddenly lost all of his money) before leaving
- Adzari and Tony also built a device to decode the Volantis of Osybus, and learned the password to unlock the strange tome was the name "Winston Stirling"
- Its about 8am day 30 and the Witchlight Carnival is ready to leave Endon.
Having a Graeme old time (41)
- They met Elyias Graeme, a tiefling warlock who claimed to also be hunting Viggo on behalf of Lord Bael the Archdevil.
- Apparently Isolde had met him before, and the two exchanged pleasantries before she went straight back into the Mists, only willing to acknowledge Adzari among the party
- Eliyas had been examining a scorch mark on the ground where one of Viggo's time bubbles had manifested at some point. He relayed the scene he saw inside and the party recognized two of their leaders, Kuda and Miruna. One dead, the other fleeing for her life.
- Still reeling from Rosebrine becoming a domain of dread, the party decided to go to Joe's Ribs to plan their next move. On the way they explained to Eliyas who they were and what they do. Meanwhile Eliyas explained what current rosebrine was like. All of them discussed their history with Viggo
- Along the way an enormous machine harboring a ghost lumbered by, and the party soon learned that it came from a newly expanded Falkovnian Wonders
- At Joe's Ribs the party gave Esmund 20 gold to find a safe place for he and the Endoners to stay
- They asked Joe why all of his wait staff was alive and Joe said that the ghosts had more or less dissapeared, other than the ones on cliffside
- The party agreed to help Eliyas examine the other time bubbles, starting with the one in the Mazeelder base
- They made their way through the shore cave which was blooming with much more life this time around.
- Not far into the cave they were attacked by a fanged hulking fish-like creature which nearly swallowed Fin whole
- Even in defeat the creature exploded and covered the party in acid
- At the entrance to their secret tunnel, Persephone said the password "Piddlwick" and the cave wall separated, revealing a familiar entry hall. Though the giant metal door into the Mazeelder base had been slagged shut from the inside
- With deft timing, Persephone used the ring of the ram to blow down the doors while Adzari followed up with an invisible wall to stop anything on the other side
- It was a good thing she did because the great hall was overrun with a swarm of enormous infernal insects that buzzed angerly and the party. Realizing that they could not get through the barrier they coalesced together into an enormous lumbering demon
- The party prepped themselves with spells and charged in for a long fight
- Which was cut short because Eliyas simply banished the creature back to hell
- The party then checked the crew entrance and found a pile of acquatic corpses all presumably preyed on by the infernal insects
- Then they went to the barracks so that Derryn could grab Fin's old shield
- All along the way they saw bloodstains and scorchmarks, indications of a battle and the former staff of Mazeelder
- Once they entered the familiar briefing room they found another scorch mark. Eliyas confirmed that this one held a fighting Ireena at one point. Now all that was left was a mist talisman in a form that the party could not identify, though it was oddly devoid of color
- The party also noticed a shattered exit from the briefing room that they'd never seen before, a secret elevator leading up presumably into cliffside
- Its about 5pm day one in Rosebrine
The Fate of Mazeelder (42)
- They fought there way through the Mazeelder library which was full of spined devils and a mysterious blood-absorbing statue
- Next they visited Mordenkainen's office and found some his old research notes on why the dead in Rosebrine behave the way they do
- They also found some ledger indicating that the local reclusive noble Olave Althonos had been funding Mazeelder all along
- Then they went to the portal room where they were ambushed by a mysterious mist creature that attempted to stowaway in Adzari's lungs. They made sure to close and barricade the door after that
- Next they went to Ireena's office excited to raid secure storage, but they were disappointed to find that someone had gotten there first. The very powerful items were gone and all that remained was an alchemy jug. The party made note of what was SUPPOSED to be there and moved on
- After that they visited Miruna's office and attempted to contact Miruna by sending a message with a Raven
- Finally they raided the hospital, laboratory, and greenhouse for useful supplies
- They took a much deserved rest and then headed up the mysterious elevator in the briefing room
- Derryn farted... twice
- They found themselves in a basement with a familiar scorch mark on the ground encircling a bag of holding
- Eliyas saw Mordenkainen and Olave having a discussion in the time bubble
- It was then that Adzari's Mysterious benefactor decided to cash in on their bargain, and ten minutes later a posessed Adzari barraged the party with a psychic blast and was then willingly dragged into he bag of holding by a haunting white arm
- Just as Adzari disappeared, a ghostly head materialized above the party demanding that they leave her property.
- As the ghost went to get "security" Eliyas hid the party. Turns out that "security" was a beefy woman weilding one of the magic items that had previously been in the Mazeelder vault.
- After that the party set about restoring their base while waiting for Adzari's return
- About 7 am Day 3 in Rosebrine
Ghosts'n Caves (43)
- While cleaning up the Mazeelder HQ several of them had some ghostly experiences within the base.
- Eventually they theorized it was Kuda's spirit trying to make contact with them. They decided to try to find a spirit board
- Along the way into town they heard some excited children shout about how the Amethyst Knife killed a giant zombie the other night
- The group learned that The Knife were viewed as heroes who protect the town from the horrors of The Caverns
- Then they went to Falkovnian Industries where Adzari was distraught to see an ousted Sven no longer working as the head of the church
- They also learned about the disturbing Rose Credits that folks were earning
- Next they talked to Rufus who helped fill them in on what had transpired over the last few years
- Together they started forming a plan to take back their home that involved some trapped mech suits
- Next they slipped past some underpaid guards and into The Caverns, a much less welcoming place than the last time they'd been there.
- In that cave they found a horribly mutilated corpse of a beast, were nearly eaten alive by a horde of strigoi, and contended with a violent cave-dwelling monstrosity that took a big chunk out of Derryn.
- At the bottom of the cave they found a newly uncovered door that led into an intimidating deep pit full of lava and cackling enemies.
Vodikaern's Lair (44)
They made their way down a hellish pit to uncover the last Viggo time bubble
- Along the way they squared off against some flameskulls and an Ash Phoeni... wait... its dead? What do you mean he leaped into the air and landed a crit? And he got through the resistances? And he had two wild magic surges? One of which was a puddle of grease that send him hurtling into the lava? Fine. Maybe someone will catch him.
- Anyway... the fight ensued and... WHAT. SHE KILLED A SKULL WITH FRIENDSHIP? Cmon
- Eventually the party made their way to the bottom of the chamber where they were blocked by a riddle about the last entrants
- Turns out it was Abraham Oakblood and Viggo (Last name redacted because demons don't give that shit out easily)
- The riddle floor opened into a new chamber where they finally found the time bubble they had been looking for. Inside it Eliyas saw a strange red sludge monster looking angry
- The chamber itself was once used to make sacrifices to Myrkul the god of death
- It also had clear signs of some kind of fight hundreds of years ago. I fight which clearly involved Persephone's grandfather, who's signature bone mech had made an impression on the altar
- Past the altar was some much newer construction that the party decided to explore.
- They found some sinister hands crawling about, a lot of imprisoned monsters, and information about the monsters attacking Rosebrine.
- Eventually they made their way to the main chamber, where Vodikaern the Collector introduced himself.
- About 6pm Day 3 in Rosebrine
The Brine meets the Rose (45)
- Vodikaern the collector asked them to find the necromancer in town that he had summoned
- After some negotiation that nearly ended in a fight, the party agreed to free the creature from its prison if he provided them with a monster they could use to fight Oakblood
- They then made their way out of the cave and visited the Provinical Pastel, now suddenly full of occult crap, and picked up a spirit board. They learned that Trunk hadn't been there in a while, but fortunately one of Adzari's friends knew how to summon him with "peanut butter"
- The party then had a seance with Kuda's where they learned how the undead in Rosebrine used to operate, and that Miruna ended up on a pirate ship
- Persephone used a spell to learn that her grandfather's wand is with Oakblood and that it hurts whoever wields it
- The next day Rufus used his connections to get the party jobs in Cliffside
- Eliyas would be a cook, Derryn an entertainer, Persephone and Adzari Skullery maids (one mute), and Fin would skulk around in the shadows
- A few days later they headed to their job in disguise and saw the town plastered in posters that declared the party to be enemies of the town and threatening the loss of rose credits to anyone who assisted them.
- On the way in to Cliffside they met another member of the Amethyst Knife who outlined exactly what was expected of them.
- During their workday for House Jardine they learned
- The patrol routes of the members of the Amethyst Knife
- Some of the weaknesses of the mech suits
- That Oakblood throws the occasional lavish party
- and that Oakblood's mansion is inhospitable to the living who don't have a special amulet
- At the end of the day they shared what they learned and planned to rob Oakblood's current staff of their amulets
- Its about 6pm Day 6 in Rosebrine
The Amethyst Butter Knife (46)
- They headed to the Horned Nightmare to steal some amulets from Oakblood's staff
- While Fin, Eliyas, and Derryn focused on getting the staff drunk enough to steal from, Persephone and Adzari tried to figure out why one of the waiters was being so strange with them
- Turns out the waiter was Valdak in disguise and together they all worked on a plan to get Rosebrine back to the real world.
- While planning, Eliyas revealed that he knew Viggo was preparing some ritual to escape his pact with Lord Bael. He didn't know the details but it involved the domains of dread and the dark powers.
Reclaiming Rosebrine (47)
- They questioned Vic, the last living member of the Amethyst knife, for information on Viggo and Abraham Oakblood
- With Vic's help (and some soul capturing) the party was able to sneak into Oakblood's manor unseen and start gathering Oakblood bones, which they would need to combine together to make his death actually take. They even managed to sabotage and take over some of the ghostly armor suits
- Not long into their looting, Oakblood himself appeared and a fight broke out. Persephone and Fin scattered to find the bones, while Derryn, Eliyas, and Adzari stayed on the ground floor to duke it out with Oakblood and his unsetting Warden Anya "the Clicker"
- During the fight
- Fin managed to dodge around a ghost suit and tear effortlessly tear it to pieces with his new dagger
- Eliyas and Adzari got in a wizard dual with The Clicker
- Persephone opened a door with surgical, autopsy-like, precision
- Derryn wild magicked all over the place and almost turned into a literal child
- Eventually they killed Oakblood and managed to stop Anya from escaping
- Once they combined the bones, Rosebrine was saved and came back to the material plane
- The next day Alanik Ray and Arther Sedgwick came to town, excited that it was back in the material plane. While catching up they revealed that the creature in their bag of holding had a name
- Its about 10am Day 7 in Rosebrine
Walloping Vodikaen (48)
- They spent a few days tying up loose ends now that Rosebrine was back in the material plane
- They promoted Vic to captain of the guard
- They told the local shopkeepers to find adventuring gear for them
- They helped promote Rufus Caskbow's bid for mayor of the town
- Meanwhile, Adzari wrestled with her memories of the Bagman's Domain and remembered a few key elements
- that they need a magic phrase to get in
- That magic doesn't behave reliably
- And that she sabotaged Mordenkainen's escape attempt
- The party also caught up with The Hubands and learned some of the lore of the Bagman
- Next they went deep into the earth to deal with Vodikaern and his menagerie
- While down there they definitely fully killed the lich and it did not at all get absorbed into Derryn's already very creepy sword. Why would you imply such a thing?
- The following day they stepped into the bag of holding to rescue Mordenkainen
- It is ??? time of day, day one in the Bagman's domain
Bagman's Domain
Bigger on the inside (49)
- They bravely stepped into Adzari's bag of holding to rescue Mordenkainen
- Immediately they were shrunk down so that they could be pulled into a strange mechanical spider which they would soon learn to be Prison Pod 47
- Inside they were greeted by John Ameris, the leader of the pod, and given a tour by Jim "Slum spree-killer" Haggins
- They learned that these pods exist to hold prisoners and collect mysterious tributes for The Bagman which they would do using grow/shrink rays.
- The pod had formed its own society where every prisoner had a role, and all were kept in line by the Warden, a non-verbal plant creature which provided food and oxygen, and was known to kill and control prisoners who stepped out of line
- During the tour, Adzari utilized some of her existing eldritch knowledge to learn how the pod operates, and some disturbing details about the Bagman's domain
- The party then talked to Zenbis, the oldest prisoner, to learn more history, but their discussion was interrupted by an appearance by the Bagman himself who was gifted a wine bottle from Barovia and seemed to scan it for magical properties. The denizens of Pod 47 had been told to find things with Raven iconography.
- While many prisoners had fits of insanity, the party held firm and nearly cast some spells at the enormous creature but held off
- They then talked to a half-orc named Semaj who turned out to be a survivor from Mordenkainen's pod and he was not happy to see Adzari again. Fortunately Persephone's seal of approval de-escalated the situation and the party learned about pod 26's fate.
- They decided to direct the pod towards the crash site to find more clues of Mordenkainen's whereabouts.
- It is ? time of day, day one(ish) in the Bagman's domain
Bullying the Bagman (50)
- Adzari convinced Irma to allow her to occasionally drive the Pod and began thinking about ways to make it more effective
- Meanwhile the rest of the party hatched a plan to remove The Warden and take over the pod
- Persephone opened her mind to the mysteries of the domain and found some ventilating lungs which they could use to oxygenate the pod
- Eliyas convinced the co-pilot Argus Shatterhorn to enact some Eco Terrorism on the Warden
- Fin convinced Kalvor and his fitness group to join the rebellion
- On the way to the lungs, the pod got its leg stuck in some trash and nearly got devoured by rust monsters. Fortunately the party intervened by returning to their regular size outside the pod
- Unfortunately, they caused enough of chaos to attract the attention of the bagman who fell out of the sky and menacingly implied the party needed to return to their cell
- They nearly complied when Derryn, in a fit of rage, attacked. In the ensuing "fight?" the party all exited the pod and started stabbing and blasting The Bagman who didn't seem to fight back. Though the party's missed attacks and proximity to the creature did hurt them.
- Eventually Eliyas brought the Bagman down with a lightning bolt. The party attempted to bury the creature but settled for trapping it in an hour long alarmed time bubble instead.
- Running low on air, the party decided to return to the pod but had trouble doing so since the shrink way wasn't working reliably
- Fin managed to get inside and found the Warden fighting the party's allies to try and keep the shrink ray off.
- It is ? time of day, day one(ish) in the Bagman's domain
Fly You fools (51)
- They were in a desperate struggle for air as the Warden of Pod 47 attempted to keep them from returning to the pod
- Unable to speak, Persephone tricked the creature into a mental prison while Fin, Argus and Kalvor fought to regain control of the cockpit
- Meanwhile, Adzari and Derryn rushed to strap the ventilating lungs to the pod
- The party just barely made it back inside before suffocating and destroyed the Warden, leaving a bunch of creepy and now useless minions throughout the pod
- No rest for the wicked though, the Bagman would break out of his time loop prison in less than an hour, and the party had to get a move on.
- Derryn volunteered to carry the now powered-down pod to the crash site of pod 26
- Meanwhile Eliyas explained to the party that used to work for Viggo, and was now on a mission to retrieve him for Master Bael. He also revealed that Adzari's patron, the mysterious entity only known as Nozu, is a Dark Power who also seems to be empowering Viggo
- Once the party arrived at pod 26 they rushed to find any sign of Mordenkainen before the Bagman caught up with them
- Eventually they realized they needed to go up, towards the core of the planet
- By some miracle, Derryn's moon shoes triggered a reverse gravity spell that sent the whole pod hurtling towards the core
- Once there, the party found an anti-magicked Mordenkainen unconsciously floating in the void surrounded by unsettling icons of Barovia
- Derryn and Adzari rescued their boss while Eliyas and Persephone kept the bagman at bay
- Eventually the party woke up Mordenkainen and freed him from the field so that he could guide the party back home
- The whole pod hurtled through a portal back to the material plane, and by some miracle the party emerged out of a bag of holding in Waterdeep owned by Derryn's parents
- Its a lovely Sunday morning in Waterdeep
Serenity Springs
Suspicious Serenity (52)
- Derryn spent some "quality" time with his parents
- The party then did some shopping in Waterdeep and left the majority of the prisoners of Pod 47 as the captain of the guards' problem
- On the way back to Rosebrine the party and Mordenkainen caught up on everything that had transpired since the trip to Endon.
- Mordenkainen explained how Viggo trapped him and seemed to direct the Bagman to look for keys
- He also didn't entirely trust Eliyas at first, but warmed up to the Tiefling after hearing how he fought alongside the party
- Also they theorized that learning Viggo's true name might give them some power over him
- After checking on Rosebrine, the party headed into the Mists once again, this time to rescue Ireena.
- Though tempted, the mists did not attack the party and instead delivered them safely to Serenity Springs, a perfect greyscale piece of heaven thats perfect for raising 2.5 children.
- Derryn noted the color leave from his shirt with a disappointed "goddamnit" and was immediately attacked by the mysterious "Swear Jar"
- There was no one on the streets so the party went in search of someone to talk to.
- Eventually they found a woman desperately clipping grass in the middle of the night.
- Derryn's seductive ??? almost convinced her to talk to them but upon seeing Eliyas she immediately panicked and called for the Neighborhood Watch
- The party managed to talk the watch down and charmed Doris Dithers into explaining more about the town
- They then headed towards the Community Center on Doris' suggestion. Along the way Eliyas noted that the paths they were taking twisted and turned on each other in ways that shouldnt work. And Adzari determined that if they didn't know where they were going they would truly get lost.
- They eventually met another night traveller and Persephone panicked him with a demonstration of magic. This time there was no escaping the unsettling G-men and a fight (heavily censored by the mists) broke out.
- Before things got too intense, a charming woman stepped out of the fog and commanded the G-men to leave the party alone.
- Relieved to find an ally, the party followed the woman, who introduced herself as Dotty, to the community center. Where they learned that she is actually affiliated with Viggo.
- She asked the party to find Viggo's missing "gift" and directed them to Isenhower park to start their search. She also gave them some spending money
- On the way out the next morning, Adzari noted that the library had a very familiar sounding name.
- its 8 am Day 1 in Serenity Springs
Leave it to Billy (53)
- The party went to the library where they were sassed by an unhelpful teenager
- They noted blank spots in the town's historical record that were clearly made intentionally
- Eliyas also found a mysterious childrens book that referenced Osybus
- On the way to Freshway market, some teenage dirtbag through a milkshake at Eliyas. The party quickly punished him for his crimes, but in a way that destroyed part of the sidewalk, making everyone flee in terror for reasons that the party did not fully grasp
- Once they were past the danger, Persephone pleaded with Derryn to abandon Nepenthe but Derryn revealed that he and the sword were in a battle of wills that he believed he was winning.
- At the freshway market the party bought some peanut butter, appropriate outfits, and miscellaneous toys and candy
- Then they went to the highway to wrangle themselves a car so that they could actually get to places in a reasonable amount of time.
- Finally they made their way to eisenhower park, Ireena's last known location
- They investigated a mysterious patch in the grass when Derryn noticed a sad child nearby and struck up a conversation
- The child introduced himself as Billy Robinson and though he didn't trust adults he warmed up to the party and told them everything he knew (within the confines of his treehouse of course)
- He told the party that his friend Tommy and Regina were captured by "flying communists in a giant plate" but no one believed him
- He also told the party that the adults here like to pretend that bad things and places don't exist, things like the abandoned Roswell military base.
- The party headed to the base where an unusual person tried to stop them from going in. One scuffle later they had an alien creature tied up and unconscious
- They shattered another illusion and headed down into the earth where they saw the full flying saucer in all its glory.
- Its about 4pm Day 2 in Serenity Springs
Psionic scuffles (54)
- Adzari attempted to peacefully communicate with one of the strange alien creatures, which naturally resulted in a big fight with the party
- Persephone heroically (censored)
- Eliyas bravely (censored)
- Fin flew around the battlefield (censored) the aliens
- Derryn wielded Nepenthe to (censored)
- Adzari cast spells which (censored)
- By the end of the fight the party was pretty beat up, but they continued further into the mysterious flying saucer
- On the first level they found a chamber full of mysterious pods, one of which contained Tommy Fry, the missing child they were sent after
- They told Tommy to wait in the car while they delved deeper into the ship
- On the next level they were confronted by the ship's mastermind who demanded that they return his technology. Derryn responded by (censored)
Welcome to Earf (55)
- They got in a fight with the mysterious alien leader who had captured Ireena
- They fought their way through a wall of flesh, laser blasts, psychic beams, and tricky illusions but eventually conquered their foe... who briefly rose up as a zombie because Adzari's powers have no chill
- After that they looted the place and got some new items including yet another cursed sword, this one going to Fin
- Then Adzari re-assembled Ireena's brain and pulled her out of the mysterious Enulciator.
- Unfortunately Ireena introduced herself as Regina and didn't recognize the party
- Through some memory manipulation from Persephone, the party managed to talk Ireena and learned that they needed to take her to Dotty's Basement to fix her memories
- Persephone used the same ability to convince Regina that Dotty was harboring communists
- Then the party summoned Trunk and got some weird magic items
- They briefly considered trying to steal the UFO but decided to take a more subtle approach to Dotty's lair
- After dropping Tommy off with his parents, the party went to Dotty's house and was invited in for tea
- Not long into the conversation, Eliyas spotted Viggo's real minions outside and headed towards the house
- Noon, day 2 in Serenity Springs
Dealing with Dotty (56)
They calmly entered Dotty's house with "Regina" and a plan to de-brainwash their friend
- Persephone excused herself and attempted to find a path to the basement, failing to do that she pettily put Dotty's Typewriter into the freezer
- They were casually talking to Dotty when Eliyas observed an old friend and some monsters headed towards the house
- The party quickly surmised that these folks must be Viggo's actual reinforcements and hopped into action
- Before Dotty could answer the door, Eliyas cast hold person on her while Persephone trapped her in a psychic illusion of The Committee judging her
- Meanwhile, Adzari stalled the monsters by telling them to go around the back so that she could buy some time to find and sneak into the basement
- While Eliyas and Fin kept Dotty contained and the monsters distracted, Persephone, Adzari, and Derryn went to the basement to bring back Ireena
- Adzari freed poor Doris who was slowly becoming a G-man, and Derryn charmed her into believing all of this wild shit was totally fine and safe. Then Adzari put Regina into the Alien machine and got to work fixing her mind
- Meanwhile, up above, Eliyas tried to convince the Invisible Man to stop working for Viggo and Persephone charmed the Mummy into leaving the situation.
- The rest of the monsters attempted to force their way in but Eliyas captured them in a wall of force
- The Vampire snuck in through the second floor but was instantly taken out by Darryn
- Dotty did eventually free herself (killing the swear jar in the process) and all hell broke loose.
- Some of the party members fought her while others deliberately destroyed her house, an act which seemed to hurt her as much as the spell and swords did.
- Despite her summoning a horde of G-men, she was not able to crush the party and they managed to close down Serenity Springs for good. They also convinced the Invisible Man to join them because Persephone was able to remove his curse.
- When they returned to Mazeelder HQ they saw Mordenkainen being berated by a Wereraven
- Mordenkainen was relieved to see the party and Ireena, and shared with them a message in a bottle that had arrived and invited them to trade "the rest of fin" for "the bird lady"
- The next morning Darryn didn't wake up and found himself in a mental battle with Nepenthe.
- With the help of his friends he barely managed to banish the dark lord and was rewarded with a Holy Avenger, and a new patron Ezra
- As a show of good faith, Ezra used her power to protect Derryn while he finally told the rest of the party about the Shadow Paradox
- It is 10 am in Rosebrine
Insurance Fraud (57)
- They reconnected with their allies in Rosebrine and took some time to recuperate
- Mordenkainen taught Eliyas a new spell
- Adzari wrestled with her faith
- Fin and Derryn whipped ass at the fighting pits
- Eventually they reconvened with their allies to plan their next moves
- Ireena shared what Viggo had told her before her capture, that he had been in Barovia when it collapsed and that it held some significance
- From this revelation the party decided they needed to somehow get to Barovia and goaded Mordenkainen's ego into working on a mist talisman
- Jack, the now-visible man, confirmed all of this and gave the party his mist talisman. He also set to work sketching out the castle and the forces inside
- Next the party made a plan to rescue Miruna
- Fin shared everything he knew about Pietra, including the fact that she wanted him to take her place
- Persephone got a head start on learning to be a sailor
- Adzari got the Factory to make their alien guns into a weapon for their ship
- Then the party set sail into the Sea of Sorrows on Derryn's father's totally sea-worthy yacht
- Along the way they got to know each other a bit better, asking about hypothetical situations and dreams
- Once the yacht arrived in the Sea of Sorrows it immediately got knocked around by a storm. Not wanting to sink immediately, Fin used his second wish to conjure "A ship worthy of The Relentless" (thats the name of Pietra's ship)
- Suddenly the yacht transformed into a badass pirate vessel, fully crewed by skeleton sailors and trailing a disturbing ball of bodies behind it.
- The party rescued as many as they could from the ball and set it loose
- A few hours later they arrived at the unsettling lighthouse to rescue Miruna
- Mid-day, day 1 at Blaustein Lighthouse
Sea of Sorrow
Blaustein Brawl (58)
- They met Pietra and her crew near Blaustein island
- The exchange of Fin for Miruna, which neither side was approaching honestly, exploded into a battle almost immediately
- Eliyas quickly teleported Fin, Persephone, and Not Miruna back to Felway's Pride while Pietra fired a shot into the air signalling the lighthouse to stare at the party's ship menacingly
- Both ships fired vollies into each other though The Relentless seemed to keep its distance
- Eliyas and Derryn teleported to The Relentless to rescue the real Miruna, Derryn dropping some sponge monsters into the water to cover their escape
- While Pietra's crew was distracted they made their way into the brig to free more prisoners than they expected. Pietra followed the pair down below and started fighting Derryn kept her busy while Eliyas freed and started teleporting prisoners. Eliyas wanted to leave the prisoners, but a merciless command from his patron made him decide otherwise.
- Meanwhile, Fin commanded Felway's pride while Persephone and Adzari rained spells and cannonballs onto The Relentless
- A horrifying psychic screech from below suggested they needed to lose the attention of the lighthouse and they turned their cannons on it.
- They managed to barely knock the lighthouse over and get out of the beam as a huge monster rose out of the water and started attacking both ships, throwing random crew members and Fins into the air
- Meanwhile Eliyas and Derryn barely made it back to The Pride and the party booked it out of there while Persephone cast a whirlpool to keep The Relentless and the monster busy
- It is about 10am in Rosebrine
The Priests of Xendrux (59)
- They spent some time strategizing with Miruna, Ireena, and Mordenkainen and decided to ask the Priests of Osybus for help dealing with Viggo
- Eliyas revealed that he also had a horde of demons ready to deploy to drag Viggo back to hell
- The party then got a bunch of gross ingredients to make a jello mold that would then somehow create a portal to Misthaven, home of the Priests of Osybus
- After stepping through the portal, each party member was confronted with dream-like quandry and only Eliyas succeeded
- When they awoke they found themselves in a large misty chamber like the inside of a snake. It was full of cultists in mostly white robes and there was an air of mistrust
- A cultist, Thea, introduced herself and offered to show the party around, Persephone quickly charmed her so that she would lead the party to Kronos Quillright
- Along the way they found out that everyone in Misthaven was on edge because of some recent Doppelganger fights
- Once the party arrived at the council chamber, Persephone got to finally meet her great (5x) grandpa.
- The reunion was cut short by Eliyas who attacked one of the council members, who was instantly revealed to be Xendrux the Oblex from Dementlieu
- All hell broke loose as myriad doppelgangers revealed themselves and started attacking the cultists
- The party did a great job of protecting people and even brought down Xendrux pretty quickly
- Then, in Kronos' office, they were able to use Xendrux's treachery to convince the cult to join them, and they learned Viggo's real name.
- It is about 2pm in Rosebrine
Castle Ravenloft
Viggo interrupts the narrator
- They spent some time strategizing with Miruna, Ireena, and Mordenkainen and decided to ask the Priests of Osybus for help dealing with Viggo
- Excuse me Mr Narrator but I believe its my turn
- When we last left our handsome devil
- I was directing contractors on Castle Ravenloft when I was suddenly and rudely teleported into some freak circus tent by those obnoxious domain-closing pests who'd been meddling with my plans.
- As I batted them around like play things, I thought to myself "Viggo, in a way you should be thanking these fools. After all, the collective knowledge of their leaders made your plan possible."
- (chuckle) Anyway then I murdered one of them as a warning and went back to work.
- No doubt they'll come bother me again, but fortunately I left their leaders alive and in some precarious positions, so they'll doubtlessly waste precious time on rescues.
- Meanwhile, Nozu and I have been making final preparations for the transfer. I still don't fully understand why that creature wants boring mortality, but who am I to judge?
- (time passes)
- Well, sure enough. The Bagman has gone dark, Serenity Springs is completely gone, and Pietra won't return any of my messages. I'm guessing its not too long before those angry little flies come knocking at my door. Time to rally the troops.
- (Viggo walks out onto a balcony on castle Ravenloft, monsters of all varieties buzz around the castle building, talking, and sparring. Viggo clears his throat and begins)
- My friends! If I could have your attention please! You've spent the last months toiling away on this beautiful castle, it is everything I could have hoped for and more. Unfortunately, I have just received word that some holier-than-though mortals are on their way to tear it down. Now I don't know what our enemies will bring to bear on us, but have confidence that you will hold them. Why? Its simple, y'all are the best of the best. I ask you, what makes the finest warriors? Training? Sure, spending some time with a sword will make you a better swordsman. Birthright? Of course some inherent talent for violence can be useful. But both of these pale in comparison to the best teacher. Hardship. And no one in the multiverse lived a harder life than than you poor sons-of-bitches from the domains of dread! Now I bid thee take that anger, that pain, and turn it on those who would destroy our home, and we will win the day!
- (A chorus of monstrous cheers, hoots, and roars erupts from every corner of the castle)
The Beginning of the End (60)
- They bravely charged towards the rebuilt Castle Ravenloft.
- While their allies dealt with other threats, the party fought Durixaviinox, the Ice Dragon while being pelted with artillery from the castle
- The fight was so brutal that the party needed to call on Miruna to heal them halfway through. But eventually with lightning bolts, swords, psychic damage, and dead pegasi, the party was able to best the creature.
- With the dragon out of the way, the army was able to break through the castle gates, though at that point the Iron Men of Rosebrine stayed behind because they were only used to fighting ghosts
- As the party worked their way through the first floor they found themselves in a dining room full of hulking Relentless Slashers and Gremishkas
- The gremishkas almost immediately turned into swarms by absorbing magic, but were pretty quickly neutralized with fireballs
- The slashers pummeled the party though though were easily tricked into taking uneccessary damage.
- Halfway through the fight a horrifying creature made of arms and cloth broke into the room and started stabbing and poisoning the party
- The party did prevail though they were once again pretty wounded
- They charged to the next floor where they suspected an ambush by a Mummy Lord awaited them. Fortunately Arther and Alanik had given them some extra insight on these upcoming foes
- Its "Time is a meaningless construct" 'o clock in Castle Ravenloft
Ashyra's Ambush (61)
- The party charged straight into an ambush set by Ashyra, one of Viggo's strongest Minions
- She and her minions were able to hurt Adzari and Persephone pretty badly
- Not wanting to get bogged down, the party immediately called on Ireena to stab the creature with a flaming sword
- Ultimately the party slayed her pretty easily, especially thanks to Derryn's wild magic coming in clutch
- Charging forward the party eventually ended up at the base of the tower that held Viggo'd portal.
- Using multiple Dimension Doors they teleported to the top before the Royal Skeleton Horde was able to to trouble them
- At the top of the tower the party saw yet another swirling portal and stepped inside.
- It is "Time? There's no time here" O'clock in ... Wherever the hell we are
A Foggy Finale
An irritated Viggo gave them an opportunity to leave and threatened to destroy them and everything they cared about if they denied it. The fight was on
- Derryn and Fin took out minions and runes while the spellcasters aimed their spells a now flying Viggo
- Eventually, Fin drank a potion of flight and started taking shots at the fiend as well
- Adzari took flight as well and noticed that the inscryptions were the names of Darklords that Viggo had a hand in creating
- A giant misty hand came from the ether and plucked a future darklord into the domains of dread, though the party stopped all future captures with the bucket of fuckit and a variety of spells
- Eventually the party cleaned up the minions and Derryn went in for the kill. His wild magic created a fog bank around him and Viggo, which he then fled from as ?Nozu empowered Viggo into demigod form.
- Now fully powered, Viggo started to rain all kinds of horrible spells on the party, but with the help of the spirits of Miruna, Kronos, and Amelie, the party eventually killed their hated foe.
- As soon as Viggo died, the portal that leading into the nexus started shifting and warping and most of the party booked it to escape.
- Adzari stayed behind, primarily to block the Dark Powers from creating more Darklords but also to learn more about the domains of dread and her mysterious benefactor Nozu. She used her time tinkering with her artifacts, repairing the bucket of fuckit, teach Nozu about immortality, and make Persephone's thesis into a beautiful origami series.
- She also sent the party with a letter for her brother Kalum, telling him that she would be gone for a while but that she was okay.
- Over the following years the party went their separate ways
- Fin used his wish to break Eliyas' contract with Bael and went to spend time with his old friend Vethos Stoutbleeder
- Eliyas stuck around with Mazeelder to help them close domains of dread because thats what normal people do (he assumed)
- Persephone dropped out of school and joined with some Vistani to explore the domains further and find the most dangerous and harmful ones which they would then send Mazeelder to destroy.
- Derryn returned to the castle to help close the domain of dread and save anyone who he could find. He had no spells slots left, so he passed by the bodies of his dead friends without hope. He settled for carrying the bodies of those they lost back to Rosebrine for funeral rites.
- After recovering in Rosebrine, Darryn finds Esmund and together they sail the more-impressive but less-valuable family ship back to Waterdeep. There Darryn finally delivers the family reunion he’s worked so hard to secure. They spend a few days at the family estate, then Darryn leaves Esmund, promising to visit soon. Darryn returns to Rosebrine on the back of his new steed. He rides into town then visits the friends he’s made along the way. He’s no longer allowed to participate in the fighting pits but acts as a patron now, helping guide new fighters and poorly attempting to convert them to paladins of Ezra. He succeeds occasionally. Finally, Darryn make his way back to the Mazelder caves. He visits his old bedroom and places a folded letter on the pillow. Our last glimpse of the hero sees him stepping into the mists once again, a carrot and fireproof rope in his hands, listening carefully for one last soul to redeem.