The seeds of Mazeelder were sown about 20 years ago when Ireena Kolyana and Mordenkainen, with the help of several brave adventurers, killed Strahd Von Zarovich and returned the land of Barovia to the material plane. In the following years, Ireena and Mordenkainen made the horrifying discovery that Barovia was not some strange cosmic fluke. It was one of countless sub-domains, all ruled over by a dark lord and trapped by the mists. The pair decided then and there to dedicate their considerable knowledge and experience to shutting down these domains and ending the torment of all who were trapped within.

However, the domains of dread aren't simply a fortress that one can walk up to and raze. They have a mysterious will and power of their own, and simply getting to one is incredibly difficult. Knowing this, the pair set out to find a means of planar travel and eventually met the third founder, Miruna Mocanu the WereRaven. A gifted inventor and planar traveler herself, Miruna introduced the duo to mist talismans, non-magical objects who’s link to a specific domain allow one to travel there safely.

With a supply of mist talisman's from Miruna's network, all they needed now was reliable access to the mists themselves. Mordenkainen had some theories about how to accomplish such a thing, but needed somewhere safe and secluded to conduct experiments. Enter, Olave Althonos the Third, the fourth and final founder of Mazeelder. A reclusive noble of the city of Rosebrine, Olave provided funding and a secret base for the fledgling organization.

About a year ago, Mordenkainen's research finally paid off and he was able to capture the mists for travel. By that point the organization had grown to around 30 people. Researchers, merchants, craftspeople, mages, and more, all dedicated to the cause. Now they're ready to recruit warriors from around the world to become the first Mistwalkers, agents who will bravely stride into the mists and destroy whatever evils they may find.