1. What event(s) would need to happen for the organization to no longer be needed?
The complete destruction of the Domains of Dread and the Dark Powers who control them
  1. What is the true purpose of the organization?
Clearly you did not ponder yesterday's answer enough. The answer remains the same
  1. Has the organization successfully destroyed a dark power?
No, but not for lack of trying.
  1. What is the biggest obstacle/problem the organization needs to overcome in order to successfully destroy a dark power?
It has never been done before. The current hope is that pulling a Dark Lord from their domain will weaken the corresponding Dark Power, and that said Lord might provide some insight in destroying their captor
  1. How does the organization remove a dark lord from their domain?
For decades it was only a theoretical solution to the problem. But recently we've had some success with lord Azalin Rex. His lichdom meant that we could safely experiment with removing his soul from the domain (via his phylactery). Whether we can do the same with non-lich Dark Lords remains to be seen.
  1. How do they get around the whole "tell someone and die" thing? Like do a bunch of cultists die whenever a new batch of cultists are entered?
Once an acolyte is given their Volantis and they speak the passphrase, the book is bound to them and only they can read from it. You're not ready to learn how Volantis are created.
  1. What are the inkblot creatures?
They are manifestations of former members. We can transfer magic abilities to new members by making them into tattoos
  1. Who is the current head of the organization?
Lady Azarith. If you live long enough you might meet her someday.
  1. What is the organizations stance on Viggo?
An opportunist and agent of chaos, has plans within plans. As an Acolyte you would do well to avoid him as you are incapable of dealing with higher level threats.
  1. Who is Winston Stirling?
He was our founder and a native of the Domain of Dread known as Serenity Springs. He lacked the conviction to do what was necessary and died during our shameful civil war.
  1. Where is Azalin Rex, if not in his domain?
His soul is in Misthaven, the location of his corporeal form is unknown
  1. How do I return to the main head quarters?
Discoverig the path to Misthaven is how one elevates from acolyte to disciple. You must discover the method yourself. It requires your Osybus Sigil, and this book.