Founder's Day
The anniversary of when the Founder's House was built and opened to the public. There was a feast the first time around and now that is a tradition. "everyone" in town participated (not very many people). How New York does Thanksgiving. Parade and then everyone "feasts" among themselves
- How does the view differ between tourists and people who live there?
- Its only really celebrated in Cliffside everyone else gets drunk
- Miners have a love/hate relationship. They have the day off but its unpaid
- As it becomes more and more commercialized, the sales have started encroaching earlier and earlier into the year
Rise of the Deckos
Mines dried up, The Deckos illegal/legal smuggling business revitalized the town.
- How do we know what we're shipping?
- A few towns or states won't trade with this town
- They used the mines to store their goods, and now who knows whats in the mines?
- How has this shifted the power balance between Cliffside and The Wharf is power shifting with new
Pastel Bunny outbreak
There was a pastel bunny outbreak, perpetually for the last 20 years. All the rich people got baby pastel bunnies and kept letting them go
Statue Marriage
gold statue man got married and now they have statue-fights. No one is entirely sure if they're actually human considering how effective their act is