Getting Madness dice
In the Bagman's Domain, any number of things can give PCs madness dice including:
- Learning eldritch truths about The Bagman's Domain
- Offers from the DM to better understand the world
- Certain attacks by enemies
- Using Madness dice for checks successfully (see next)
Benefits of Madness dice
Madness is also knowledge of how this world works. Whenever a PC makes a test that is either Wisdom or Intelligence based, they can choose to add the number of dice they have to that roll. For example, if a PC makes a perception (WIS) check that is normally +2 and they have three madness dice, they can choose make the check with a +5 bonus. If they succeed at this test they get another madness die.
Drawbacks of Madness dice
Madness Checks
Certain particularly upsetting events and monsters can trigger a madness check for a PC. When asked to make a madness check, a PC needs to roll all of their madness dice and announce the number of 1s they rolled. If they roll at least one "1" they suffer a negative effect. Each one rolled lets the GM roll on a cumulatively worse table
- 1 = Involuntary action (one action)
- 2 = short term madness (1d10 minutes)
- 3 = long term madness (1d10 x 10 hours)
- 4 = indefinite madness (indefinite until cured)
- 5 = symptom (indefinite until cured)
Fighting the Bagman
The Bagman has a few advantages against PCs who have madness dice
- His AC is increased by one for each die
- If a PC is within 10 feet of him, they have to make a Lifeforce check.
- Make a DC 18 (+ madness dice save), the PC fails they must roll all of their madness dice and take that much damage. The Bagman recovers those hitpoints